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For a man who came from an extraordinary family, he had knowledge of the supernatural, so he knew how rare it was for vampires to be like Vanity, which made her even more special because she was a day lighter.

He may have been with her because she was his fated one at first, but as time passed, he began to feel something more for her, love. There was nothing he couldn't do to help her.

She became his life, and if anything happens to her, he will raze the entire earth to the ground to pay tribute to her.

He was even more certain about his feelings for her after going through so many difficult obstacles together that everyone wanted to take her away from him.

Now he stood in front of everyone, with the entire world witnessing their holy wedding. He wanted the entire world to know that he was marrying such a beautiful and extraordinary woman.

He hadn't seen her in days because his mother had kidnapped the bride for some last-minute touch-ups. He could hardly wait to see her. The M.C announced the bride's entrance and the orchestra began to play the wedding march while he was busy reminiscing about the past, present, and future.

Many people turned green with envy when they heard the orchestra simply play the tune. It was prohibitively expensive to hire a single player, yet the Wagner's hired all of them.

How can they smile genuinely when they see these people flaunting themselves like this? Chandler kept his gaze fixed on the entrance, waiting for his favorite person to appear.

The flower girl and flower boy were the first to appear; one was his son, and the other was the child of a family friend. Looking at his son in a black tuxedo that fit him perfectly warmed and filled his heart with love.

To think that before he married Vanity, he had nothing in common with his son, and yet they could now sit and talk like any other family. This honor belonged to Vanity, who adored Heidi as if she were his own.

He was devastated that he couldn't have a child with her because she was a vampire who couldn't bear children. That was their species' greatest disadvantage. To him, it didn't matter because they already had a son who they both adored and cherished.

They can just raise Heidi alone and give him all the love he deserves, get him married, and have grandchildren to play with because they will live for a very long time, unlike others.

Following the arrival of the flower children, the bride walks in. Because Vanity was an orphan with no relatives, his grandfather agreed to walk her down the aisle. When Grandpa volunteered, Vanity burst into tears, as were he and the rest of the Wagner's. It was difficult to make Grandpa like someone so much, but his affection for Vanity was so obvious that the two could sit and play for hours, ignoring the rest of the world.

This action hurts him so much, but he can't win against the old man, so he has to yield to him every time.

As he looked down the aisle at his wife, who was walking hand in hand with grandpa, he smiled brightly and genuine. Instead of a white wedding gown, as most women do, she wore an ivory gown studded with numerous diamonds and rubies, making the gown look luxurious and one-of-a-kind.

Those who didn't have a lot of money felt their hearts ache as they gazed at a gown worth over a hundred million dollars. This was a gown that Vanity intended to wear for about an hour and then discard. Yet the Wagner's spent so much money on a gown?

Being extremely wealthy was fantastic; looking at Vanity from head to toe, they couldn't help but be envious. They could only see dollar signs as she walked, cameramen were snapping pictures like crazy, and those watching live on the feed were cursing the Wagner's as if they owed them money.

[I'm going insane just staring at her. How did she get so lucky?]

[This is another Cinderella success story. Where can I locate my own prince charming?]

[Another gold-digger has just gotten her way and is now famous, Umphh!]

[Congratulations, girl!]

[She's a serial killer!]

Of course, no one noticed or cared about the insane person who texted, [she is a murderer]. People were envious of Vanity's good fortune, and there were a lot of negative comments.

Chandler's people, on the other hand, marked this message because it could lead them to those who were being eradicated alongside them. They were all aware that, despite the fact that many people had been killed, some of them might still retaliate, so they should remain vigilant.

The I.T guys immediately began tracing the sender of the message, and the result was quite unexpected, but this was something they planned to tell their boss after his honeymoon, as they didn't want to ruin his happy moment.

Vanity walked anxiously to the man who had made her fall hard; she never imagined for a moment that she would be pampered by such a domineering man one day. He was everything she could have wished for. He didn't judge her, even though he knew she was just a clone created for the purpose of assisting Gwen in keeping her life.

He didn't abandon her after discovering she was a blood sucking vampire; instead, he stood by her side and even expressed concern when he first saw her blood bath. He even offered to bury the bodies after her if she ever made a mess, which he did.

Rather than losing interest in her, he grew to love and pamper her more with each passing second. This is the man who provided her with the family she had always desired. A bouncy and well-mannered son who was on the same wavelength as her.

He is also the man who gave her a new lease on life, making her feel like she could do anything and that she was no different from anyone else out there.

"We are just different from the rest because we are special and not abnormal," he has always said, "as a result, we should treasure everything we have and have complete faith in ourselves. So never look down on yourself because this fool will always be by your side every step of the way."

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