tfw u get everyone u know into idv

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wass up my homies (there is one person reading this)

it is have been like a few weeks since i last updated this so hiii

schools been ok and very conveniently i got back in2 idv and i dragged like. a few of my friends in2 it :]

i have da urge to write more even though ive been drawing a lot as well so... get ready for that when that eventually happens maybe

ive admittedly only drew silly self insert stuff sooooo * running emoji*
be prepared to see my attempts at writing my own fanfics with my self inserts and anime men

friend drama is as gross as ever, hopefully it blows over quicker than last time, i dont even wanna perceive any of it anymore really because of how. hostile? in a way it is
very yucky but at least i have my friends and some other thing to back me up!!

i dont usually blog like this this is kinda weird bye

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