you ever just need to gush about how much you love a character? yeah

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hi threeminutesclapping nation i am back with another banger of a chapter , in which i will now proceed to keysmash over how much i love locke cole from hit jrpg final fantasy vi

IUEU3IENR3OKMLRI203RI0238RI2ONEKMLRFanyways in the midst of my current tales series and slight ace attorney fixation (as i was typing this many days before lockes birthday)i started fixating!! a lot on locke and i am p sure that besides being a huge f/o he is just The comfort f/o like.....he means very much to me..... i am too lazy to explain what an f/o is its just selfshipper things

sadly i have never played ff6 , ive only watched that one gdq speedrun where the runner and the couch kinda give an abridged version of the story but i hope to rob a retro game store someday and buy ff6. like authentic snes ff6.

no clue how i even fell for locke bc i just. kinda did? hes pretty, hes snarky, hes a woman respector, hes one of the main representatives for ff6 besides terra celes and kefka so that means he gets a lot of artwork and high quality models <3

i like him a very much and it shows because i made the vow to make locke's theme my number one listened to on spotify's unwrapped and as im writing this i'm listening to it on loop

dedicated to locke :muscle:

i even thought about making an itabag of him so Ehehe

happy (early) birthday locke my beloved :]

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