hank j. wimbleton x reader

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hi gemmy ;] Geminoir

this isn't based on any of the current madcom materials + obviously hank is consternation/mc7 because of course he is
this kinda sucks but idk it was fun writing 😈😈😈

hope u enjoy!!

WORD COUNT: 759 words , 3997 characters

hank j. wimbleton was a very peculiar figure in the barren wasteland known of nevada. as many groups had been formed, namely the agency against hank wimbleton, many people have tried to end the man's life. apparently some have succeeded, but even so, hank avoids death like it's a virus.

you were just a normal citizen trying to make your life a bit easier in the hell that was the state of nevada. actually, you're not all that normal if you have a gun and sword on hand and you're now hanging in a car with hank motherfucker wimbleton and his three colleagues. the details were even more so of how you now ally with them is a blur to you. you didn't know that sharply dressed man was part of a.a.h.w, for all you know or care he could've been the tax collector, and now the agency's got you on their hit list.

you met the four whilst hiding away in a building that was currently infiltrated by a.a.h.w. agents. one of hank's colleagues, deimos, thought it would be the perfect spot to relax for a while, not noticing the number of cars and agents surrounding the building. they ended up storming in, killing every agent that was there, only to see you. they stayed by for a bit before having to leave, and you ended up tagging along.

right now you're chilling in the trunk of a car driven by 2bdamned. you insisted on sitting next to deimos and sanford in the backseat but deimos thought it'd be, "super badass!" if you stayed in the trunk and popped out to shoot the baddies, or whatever.

you've been in this trunk for a while, you didn't even know if its day or night. the skies of nevada were always red, there wasn't any knowing of if it was day or night. after a bit, the trunk popped open, deimos crouching down and propping his head on his arms.

"how 'ya doin? t'be damned said that we're making a stop here to relax since noone's after us. 'sides. you can go talk to motherfucker himself." deimos gave a wink to you before you scoffed and got out of the trunk. "maybe i'll go ask him if we can shove you in the trunk next time." deimos gave an exaggerated gasp as he playfully punched your arm, and off you went to find hank.

when you found hank he was sitting down on a rock, looking out at..something. 2bdamned was sitting with him, but after seeing you he stood up and left, odd. you sat right next to hank, him only giving you a slight glance and a nod as a way of acknowledging you.

you had.. complicated feelings about hank. he wasn't talkative, in fact, you don't even think he's talked once. he's killed tons of people too. but he's got a weird charm to him that makes it fine? you even told deimos and sanford about it, since they've comrades with him longer and deimos joked about you having his, "wimblebabies". maybe you had a thing for him, but hank doesn't seem all that interested back.

you came back from your trance as hank suddenly grabbed your arm and examined it. a bit ago you got into a fight with some random grunts and ended up getting beat. your pride didn't want to show that you couldn't win a fistfight (the grunt had a knife too, it wasn't any fair.) so you hastily bandaged the wounds, even if it was god awful and you definitely would get an infection from it.

he cleared his throat and pointed at the gauze on your bicep that was coming slightly undone. "you need to bandage it better. let me take a look." you looked at him shocked as he's never talked before. you allowed him to grab your arm and redo your bandages.

the whole process was silent, you hoped he'd talk more but he silently redid your bandages with not a single word spoken. after he fixed your bandages, he got up and gave you a hesitant headpat and started to leave.

"...hey, wait." hank paused in his steps to look at you.

"it's complicated but... you're cool. you wanna.. go out sometime..?"

hank nodded and you gave a huge grin as you grabbed his hand and returned to the others. you'd end up having a fun date killing agents, which wasn't all too normal but you got hot dogs after. so romantic.

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