III- You stare, I stare

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Sunday went fairly well as spending the day with the Baileys bonded us closer as they showed me a few attractions in Utah. I uploaded a lot on Instagram and a lot of my friends and family were replying with envy and jealously. It felt weird not going to church on a Sunday but hopefully I find one soon. The Baileys aren't really big on church or anything faith-based, but they never looked uncomfortable by my faith so it made me really grateful and I never want to force anything on them.

I found that Lily made it her life-goal to make her life exactly as a Disney princess which I absolutely adored; Taylor was the nicest person ever, always making me laugh and helping everyone around him; Angela was so free-spirited but stern with her children, having to always run around chasing Lily and Lauren, sometimes even Mr. Bailey; and Mr. Bailey was quite the charmer even when he was quiet.

Soon enough, Monday came.

Taylor and I were pulling into the school parking lot of Mt. Brooks High School and I could feel myself swell with nerves that I clutched my necklace tightly. Mt Brooks High School isn't exactly a public school but it isn't a private school either. I'm not really sure, all I've been told by Taylor is that everyone knows everyone in their grade. As the new exchange student, I didn't want the limelight on me or the new thing to be gawked at. "Don't be nervous, you'll be fine." Taylor hypes me up. I smile but look down, praying that I picked the right outfit to make a good first impression of. I wasn't use to dressing however I wanted, as back home I was always wearing a school uniform. Another thing that made me nervous was going to a mixed school of boys and girls as most of my life, I went to an all-girls Catholic school. I am also so NOT good at communicating with guys; with Taylor not being much of a choice as I basically live with the guy.

Looking at my appearance, with a fitted jumper, tight jeans, my necklace, tote bag (cause I'm quirky like that) and my long, curly hair hanging down my back, I hoped that this was enough. Taylor tells me that he'll take me to the office where a student guide will be waiting for me as well as my timetable. As we get out of the car, I feel eyes immediately assessing us two. I pray that Taylor isn't known for being popular but I can't be oblivious and believe that he isn't. He's good-looking, rich, comes from a rich family, probably hangs out with a tight group of popular boys and girls are dying to be with him. I mean, c'mon?

As we were walking, a girl had tripped on the ground and fell with her books splayed all over the ground with a few people around her laughing. I thought Taylor would have stopped to help, but he kept on walking. I quickly headed over to the girl and helped her out. I could see Taylor's confused eyes trail where to I was going with many eyes on me as well.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked the girl. The girl was pretty with clear chocolate dark skin, short about 4'9, light brown eyes and hair that closely resembled hair from the duo Chloe and Halle.

She looked up confused, "I'm fine but... IS that how you actually talk?"

I giggled and helped her up with some of the books in hand "Well, I'm from New Zealand so it is pretty weird to American ears. So far, people say my accent always sounds either British or Australian. But seeing as how their rival countries for New Zealand, I have to remain loyal to my home country."

She laughed. I smiled knowing it probably wasn't funny but glad that she liked my dry joke.

Taylor began to make his way over to us asking if she was okay. She stared awestruck and looked between the two of us and seemed to come to a conclusion which I think later I might have to deny.

"You must be new, what's your name? I'm Bella and I made a huge fool of myself, didn't I? I am so embarrassed. Thank you for helping me. Girl, I love your hair by the way. You're like really pretty. You don't wear makeup?" Wow, Angela and Bella could get along just fine.

"I'm Grace, the new exchange student. Don't worry, everyone has their fall days. Thanks and no, I actually don't know how to put on makeup." I laughed. I mean, I'm not trying to be those who think they're 'I'm different from most girls' but I genuinely do not know how to put makeup on as I never had the money to buy cosmetics. Although, I really do enjoy watching Bretman Rock and keeping up with the tea on the beauty community.

"Wait, you're the new exchange student? A coincidence, seeing as I'm your school guide for this week." excitedly says Bella.

Taylor decides to leave to join his friends who watched the whole exchange go down. Three other boys all sitting at one table with one girl in-between the legs of a guy who looks at me intensely that I could only stare for one second before getting intimidated. From the looks of it I'm getting cliché vibes, that they must be the popular boys of the school. Before I could assess them further without seeming like a stalker, Bella grabs me by the arm and soon forces our way into the school doors.

Next time, he wants to do a staring contest, I would need to prepare myself first so I don't lose that easily again.

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