Letters To You pt.2

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My love...

God I don't now when to start this... but I'll give it my best shot. Truth be told, you always were the better writer than the both of us.

I miss you okay. God I miss you so much.
I can't put it into words... it felt like we had so much more time together. Those 25 years flew by.... has it really been that long?

I got a call from the hospital that something had happened, and by the time we were there you were gone.

They let me in to see you and how I didn't cry then I'll never now. Part of me feels it was from the shock, or maybe I was trying to be strong for the lads but I held it in.

God you looked so peaceful, like an angel who'd simply nodded off. I gave you a quick kiss and just ran my hand through your gorgeous hair.

Not gonna lie, everything has been pretty shit for the boys.
Jordan hasn't stopped crying, sometimes I hear him sobbing when I'm up late doing work, crying himself to sleep.

The other morning I went to wake him up and I found his cuddling one of your shirts. The sky blue one that you always loved to wear.

A lump formed in my throat when I had to wake him and he said 'mum?', cause he'd always distinguish between the both of us. You were mum, I was ma.

When he realised it was me he was in tears again and I held him. I let a few tears slip myself in that moment.

Andy hasn't cried, and that's fucking worrying. He's always staring holes into wherever you were. If it was your side of the bed, your spot at the table, on the couch, he's just completely zoned out.

I've had a little chat with Jenna at work, she said it's normal during grieving. I mean I know we do it in different ways but I'm really worried.

I've had a few nice messages of people from work. Shauna and Debbie have been wonderful and so has J.P.

Pete has offered me a few days off work but I think it's better if I keep my mind going. I can't overthink shit like that cause it'll drive me mad.

I'm stay in touch, these letters make me feel like I'm less alone. That there's still a part of you there.

I've got stuff to do so I'll speak in a bit.

Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble but I'm doing my best here.

I love you, now and forever,

Your Aya.

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