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October 31st, 1982 11:40 pm

"Katie I'm serious I don't want to, It doesn't seem right." I stood on my front porch looking around, surprisingly, a lot of people were still out trick or treating. There was one guy, standing right across the street from us he was holding a plastic knife and he was wearing a black hockey mask, I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or somewhere else. When I looked away, he was gone.

" you're such a baby Alex!" she groaned while hanging her head to emphasize how boring I was.

"It's Halloween night, we're teenagers we don't go trick or treating anymore! Let's have some fun!" She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me.

I glared at her. Why couldn't we just have on night where we just stay in the house, handout candy to little kids, and watch marathons of horror films. I knew something was wrong, I felt it in my gut.

"I would if I could but.... It's almost midnight, and I heard it's bad luck to go out after midnight on Halloween." I crossed my arms, standing my ground.

"First of all, that is so not true and second, you are sixteen for the love of God! Let loose a little, have fun!" She grabbed both of my hands and stared into my eyes with a desperate look in her face.

"I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Alex... Pleeeeeease! I promise I will get you home before midnight, I just want to walk around a little... Maybe even go see Blood Shed path..." She pulled a fake innocent look.

"KATIE." I said sternly. "Do you know why it's called Blood Shed path Katie? Five years ago, some crazy guy basically slaughtered 9 girls in there! You'd have to be a maniac to go back there."

"I promise we won't go in! Anyways it's been closed off for months! No one gets in, no one gets out." She looked at me with that stupid look on her face.

"Five minutes and we are gone, and if we have time we'll even stop by some houses and pick up some candy." She put her hands together and begged me.

I looked at her, I still had that weird feeling in my stomach but I guess five minutes isn't that bad.

"Okay.. Five minutes and we are out of there." I said walking back into my house grabbing my keys and my cardigan, it was quite chilly outside.

I could hear Katie jumping up and down and squealing like a freaking weirdo, but yet I still couldn't shake that weird feeling brewing in the bottom of my stomach. I tried to ignore it and enjoy this Halloween.

I locked my door and hugged myself tight, it usually isn't this cold in California.

We stared walking, as I was looking around my surroundings, obviously Katie choose the most deserted route to Blood Shed path.

"You understand we could of chosen any other day in the year to do this right?" I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Yeah.. I know, but it's Halloween night, any other night wouldn't have the same thrill, the same awesomeness as Halloween night." She said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes at how extra she was. She pulled out a cigarette and held it between her lips, she had trouble keeping it still so I knew she was just starting. Finally, she lit it and exhaled the toxic smoke, coughing slightly.

"Since when did you smoke?" I asked her surprised, out of all the people in world I could never see Katie smoking, she the most health conscious person I know.

"Oh i've been smoking for a while now!" She said way too enthusiastically. "I think I was somewhere near September my mom left her-"

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked behind me, I had this weird feeling someone was following us. My heart was beating fast, I didn't see anyone, but I had a feeling. I could of swore I saw a figure in the the background but it was too dark to be sure of what I was seeing.

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