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"Alex... Alex... Please wake up. Please.." An echoed voice said from above me. I tried to open my eyes but they felt as if they were sealed shut.

"Alex... I'm right here... Please, you can't leave me." The voice broke slightly, I realized it was my brother's, Clarke. He's alive.

I tried to talk to him back but the only words that came out of my mouth were "Ehhh..."

"I'm here, Alex." He took hold of my hand and squeezed it. "I love you."

I felt his presence leave from beside me. I tried to call out again but nothing but groans would leave my mouth.

I was left alone for awhile trying to move my muscles until someone came in.

"Hello, Alex!" A cheery male echoed voice said from beside me."I'm Dr. Scarlet, I'm not sure if you can hear me, you have been unconscious for about 9 months now."

9 months?

"Now that introductions are out of the way, I'm gonna give you you're medicine." He said, I heard the sounds of objects moving meaning he was rummaging through something.

"So... Let's just put some of it into this needle-"


My eyes shot open and I glared at the doctor. The doctor jumped back with a six-inch needle and syringe in his hands. He looked young but he had white hair, he was very tall and thin and resembled a skeleton. He was wearing a white lab coat an surgical gloves.

"Well, well..." He said in a very creepy voice. "Little Alexa has woken from her sleep." He gave me a cracked tooth smile.

"Get that needle away from me..." I tried to say as loud as I can but the only thing that came out was groans and choking noises.

"Shhhh..." The doctor held his finger up to his lips. "We need to give you your vitamins Alexa, you need them,you are still recovering."

I shook my head aggressively as he picked up the needle and pointed it at my neck.

"Now, Alex." He warned. "If you hold back, it's going to be worse." Without warning he jabbed the needle into my neck, I felt my neck muscles stiffen along with the rest of my body too. I felt my mouth stretched open and my tongue rolled out of my mouth.

"No..." I thought to myself, the panic was running through me again.

"Sweeeet dreeeeams." The doctor said as my eyes softly closed.

My eyes slowly opened again, my vision was blurry and the room seemed to be spinning. I look on the side of my bed and saw a brown haired boy clutching my hands and making soft whimpering noises. When my vision got slightly better, I realized it was Nate.

"Nate?" I said hoarsely. His head shot up and gave me a look of relief.

"Alex! Oh my god you're okay!" He placed his hands on the sides of my head and left a small but long kiss on my forehead. I felt my stomach begin to explode with butterflies.

"Yeah...I'm...fine...ouch." I said after he pulled away from the forehead kiss. My head was pounding and my neck was throbbing.

I ran a finger over the place where the weird ass doctor left the needle mark and winced, luckily there was a bandage on it.

"Oh, don't touch that." Nate softly pulled away my fingers from the mark and patted them. "That needle was to make sure that you don't get any weird side effects."

"Oh.." I said quietly not knowing what to say. "Who was that doctor? The one who gave me the needle."

Nate's lips twisted into a small, humorous smile. "Dr. Scarlet?" He chuckled. "Yeah, he is quite the character." Nate laughed and I couldn't help but laugh with him. I immediately stopped laughing due to the fact that my pounding headache was killing me.

The laughing finally died and Nate's smile turned into a frown. "Alex, I need to tell you something." He looked down at my hands.

I stared at him with a giant bile getting caught in my throat. Did someone die? Is someone still not found yet?

He took a deep breath and began: "Over these past months, the ones were you've mostly been unconscious and sick, I've noticed something.." He swiped one hand across his face.

"Noticed what?"

"How..." He swallowed hard. "How beautiful you are." He stuttered and I saw his cheeks turn a rosy shade of pink. I've never had a guy call me beautiful.

"Oh I-"

"Alex, I think I love you." He finally made eye contact with me and my heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest.

"You what?"

"I love you, Alex." The intensity of his stare made me blush too.

He loved me, Nate said he loved me.

"Nate, I-"

"Don't worry." He silenced me. "You don't have to say it back, I just need you to know that I really do care about you, Alex." He put a piece of my hair behind my ear.

Before I he could say anything else, I grabbed him by his face and kissed him. My common sense and fear were washed away at that moment. I was aware that I took him by surprised too but he kissed me back.

The butterflies in my stomach stirred inside of me like a maelstrom, his lips were rough but soft at the same time.

We finally pulled away, his lips were slightly pink from our kiss and we were both breathless.

"Can I tell you something." I asked Nate.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"I love you too."

Author's Note

How cute... This was very short but yeah. - c

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