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Unknown P.O.V
Location : The Fair.

Jesus Christ I don't even know why I came here this place sucks. All I can hear is screaming children and continuous, tortuous, hair pulling fair music. I felt like my ears were about to explode any minute.

I walked in and got myself some popcorn, if I'm going to stay here I might as well get something to eat. I grabbed a handful from the popcorn bag and shoved it in my mouth. I spat it out and threw the bag on the ground.

"That tasted like soggy cardboard. Such filthy people." I got a napkin and wiped my tongue to get that awful taste in mouth.

"Looks like i'm going to be shitting bricks tonight." I wiped my hands on my jeans and looked around the place. Ugly ride. Ugly people. Ugly place. Everyone was running around and screaming on the low budget fair rides and the flashing lights gave me a migraine.

All of a sudden, I felt angry, really angry. I felt like causing a scene, felt like making everyone scared out of their minds, I felt like.... killing someone.

I scanned the area for a perfect victim but their was too many people I could barely see anything. I ran my hand through my beautiful long black hair and pursed my lips in concentration, I broke out of my look and saw her. Alex. The girl from Halloween night, but where's her friend?

The thing is she wasn't with her annoying friend, she was with guy. A guy. He looked like a total prick to me, I already knew how much I wanted wrap my hands around his neck and choke him until he bleeds from his eye sockets. I got a closer look at him, I knew who that was... Nate. Nate Kingston, what is he doing here? That fucking tool. I felt my hands sweat and my heart start to beat faster, I didn't realize that was shaking until I looked down at my hands. I could hear my breathing increase unstably. I felt so angry. I don't know why...

Why is Alex with him? Am I jealous? No.... I don't get jealous... I think. This is new to me. As I stood there, fury coursing through my veins, I realized something. I wanted to kill Alex. I want to kill Alex and everyone she knows, I want to be the one that makes her life a living hell.... but just not yet. I had to wait, it was too early to do anything to her but I had a plan.

"Baby steps, baby steps." I said aloud only for myself to hear.

They were both breathing heavy, they must have ran here. I couldn't hear anything they were saying but I was glad I would have probably killed myself. When they were done talking another girl came, it was her annoying friend Kathy or whatever. Christ, I hated her. Nate left for them to speak alone, my stare followed him, if looks could kill, he'd be dead right now. I wonder if she knows what he did.

I broke my gaze and turned my head to another girl, She was sitting at a table with a group of friends. She was wearing a dress with pink and purple flowers on it and some white sneakers. She had beautiful, brown hair that fell upon her shoulder gracefully but her mouth was moving too much which made me roll my eyes.

She got up left the table with a Barbie smile on her face, she pretended go inside a port-a-potty but when her friends looked away she made a U-turn. I followed her quietly and waited behind a thick pole.

She looked around, checking for anyone in sight and slid her purse down her arm. She rummaged through her purse, what was she looking for?

"Come on, come on." She said while shaking her purse upside down and letting everything fall to the floor. She looked through the pile aggressively, it was like watching a lion tear apart their prey.

"Aha!" She said loudly, she picked up a pack of cigarettes and held them up in the air carefully like it was a sacred child or something.

Of course.

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