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Chapter 5:
Dan's POV
I still had corpse in my hands when a jogger ran over to us. A tall, lanky Caucasian man in bright, neon running attire. He reminded that I'll never be able to run with Phil in England again, or tweet about going with Phil once more.

He clutched an iPod in his left hand, and held his right hand to his heart. This was obviously his first rodeo. His eyes widened when he got up to see what I had done.
"What the hell..."
I could tell he would be sick just by looking at the expression on his face. He was wearing a this-is-a-first kind of look. Me too, random stranger. I've never killed an innocent bystander nor have you seen a crime in front of your eyes.
(Well he had,actually.)
Man: "Wow...What happened?"
The muscle in my mouth couldn't form the words, my tongue restrained so my dirty secret could not be told.
Phil: This man was hit by our car, and he hasn't...he hasn't moved a bit since.
The man was awestruck. He reached for something in his pocket, as if he was clicking a switch...
Phil: It was my fault.
Dan: Phil, stop-
Phil: No, Dan. You stop. Dan was driving, but I upset-or distracted-him.
The man's eyebrows knit in confusion.
Man: Umm..who's Dan exactly?
I awkwardly raised my hand.
Dan: I'm Dan. We were driving home to the Hotel two blocks North when
Of all the places in the world, I had to end up here. At the scene of a crime I committed. I wouldn't have run though. The police could easily track me down with the push of a button. But not existing was a method. In the midst of my existential crises, I always thought "Wah! Wah! The Universe hates me! The world makes my life terrible!"
I taught myself to believe life would never be perfect for me, but never in a million years would I think the universe would let me rot in a jail cell. Wouldn't this be an excellent time for a black hole to soar into the scenario and swallow my shaking body.

The man reached into his pocket again. He was recording our conversation. I felt suspicion crawling up my spine.
Dan: What's your name, sir?
Man: That's none of your damn buisness!
His tone changed so drastically, from scared to demanding.
My brain was alphabet soup but one thought stood out.
He is a cop.
Man: All I know, and need to know, is you killed this man. And judging by your state of being, you were under the influence during the crime.
Phil stood there, helpless.
Man: "Put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney...Do you understand the rights as they have been read to you?"
I remained silent. And when we got to the station, I reached my parents and they called the attorney on the other line. I didn't even look at Phil, who called Chris and PJ. They told me they'd try all they could to get me out. As soon as possible, they said on the matter. I understood the rights that were read to me.
I just didn't want to believe they were reading them to me.

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