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Hey guys could you all do me a favor? Can you please tell me the name of characters you want to read about and what kind of story you want. It would really help me out a lot. Thank you and enjoy the story.

You were walking down the hallway when you heard a voice behind a door. You looked through the key hole to see kanato in his room talking to teddy. "What kind of sweets do you want today teddy?" You could slightly hear his voice. "Oh that sounds delightful teddy!" He smiled as he hugged teddy closer to him. You didn't notice it but seeing his smile made you smile. You looked away to see if anyone was coming. You turned around quickly when you heard the door open. You looked up locking eyes with kanato. The bags under his eyes made his already purple eyes glisen even brighter. "What are you doing listening on mine and teddies convorsation?" He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his room. He through you onto the bed. He climed on top of you as he pinned your hands to the bed. He lend down to bite you but than remembered something. "Human girls liked to be kissed before being biten. What a pain." He lend down and kissed your lips roughly. Your body tightened up with fear. He released your lips and bite your neck. You let out an agonysing scream as his fangs dug deeper into your neck. He moved away with a whicked laugh. "You smell like me." He laughted as he bite down again. "K.kanato, please, stop." You begged with tears streaming down your face. After a few gulps he got off of you. "You were right teddy, She is sweet." He smiled as your blood coated his lips like they were covered in cherry juice.

You lend up and quickly gave him a peck on the lips. He was took back by the action. You stood up with a blush on your face and ran out of his room. You didn't know what just happend and why you did that. You went straight to your room and locked the door behind you and pressed yourself against the door. A few minuets later you heard a soft knock on the door. You jumped thinking that kanato was behind the door. "(Y/N), are you in here?" You remember that soft voice, Yui. You opened the door and pulled her in. "Um, is everything alright? You and kanato have been acting weird." She sat on your bed as you sat down at your chair. "No, everything is not alright. I did something I am going to regreat." You sighed as you laid your head against the cool desk surface. "I kissed kanato." You mummbled under your breath. You knew kissing the boys was something you just didn't do and you blew that out the window. "That's all?" You looked up at her with shook that she said that. "What do you mean that's all. Thats a big thing." she got up and walked over to you. "(Y/N), everthing will be fine. Don't worry too much okay." She smiled as she hugged you and left the room.

-----------3 weeks after the kiss-----------

Kanato hasn't spoken or even looked at you for 3 weeks. You even went out of your way to do things that would make him mad just so he would yell at you, but he always told one of the others to do it. You hated not talking to him, being around him, or being punished. You felt so lonely without him. So one day you gathered all your strangth and walked to his room. You lightly knocked on the door. Soon he opened it where you noticed he was paler than normal. You rushed in and hugged him. "What have you done with yourself? You haven't eatten anything have you?" You cupped his face with your hands. All he did was nod to your answer. "Well im right here. Drink as much as you need." You offered your neck to him. This is the first time you were willing to let him drink from you. He nodded and bit into you. You tensed up with pain as you felt the blood draining from you. Your vision became blurry but you held yourself together for his sake. After he was done you collapsed to the floor and everything went black. Some time later you woke up to a new sight. Kanato was next to your bed falling asleep. "K.kanato, what are you doing here?" You spoke in a weak voice. He looked up at you with a small smile. "You collapsed on my floor so I carried you here and took care of you." He sat on the side of your bed and ran a hand through your hair. "Do you love me?" The sudden out burst of the question shooked you. "What?" You looked dumn founded as you staired at him with a raised eyebrow. "I asked if you love me." You sat up as he moved closer. "Well do you." He became more impatient the longer you thought about it. 'Do I love him? Is this a joke or is he serious?' So many thoughts pasted throught your head as you sat there. "um....well..Yeah I do love you." You looked down at the covers as you spoke those words. "Would you want to live in a world were its just you and me?" He pressed you for more answers. All you could do was answer them truly. "Well it would be nice, but wouldn't you get lonely." You gazed up at him. "Not if your there." He said it so calmly, as if he knew this coversation was gonna come up. "Come here. I wanna show you something." He grabbed your hand and pulled you outside and dragged you to the pond in the woods. "What did you want to show me." I asked as he held my hand with one arm and teddy in the other. He opened teddy revealing a small vile. He poured some into his palm and licked it. "Here, hold out your hand." He pulled your hand out and poured some into your palm. You licked it and he smiled as well as laughted.

"you did that so well." He laughted as you gave him a curious look. "I don't think I need this anymore." He smiled looking at teddy. "B.but don't you need him?" You looked at him curious and he held teddy afar. "If I have you, than I don't need him." He burned teddy as he spoke. You look into his face as teddy burned to a crisp. "So promice you wont leave me, or ill make you pay for it." He pulled you into a tight embrace. "I won't, I promice." You sealed the deal with a passionate kiss. You were now his forever, and he was yours.

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