Special 2

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Ayato is the winner of the special. Thanks for all your votes and comments. I'm glad you guys love or like reading my stories. Sorry for the lateness I started school and I've been away from my laptop and I'm sorry. Enjoy the rest and here's the special. P.s (R/N) means random name. 

You were on your way to Ayato's house. You haven't seen him in a while so you thought you'd stop by and give him a surprise. Earlier that day you went and bought some sexy items. You walked up to the door and used the spare key he gave you and entered the house. You walked up the stairs towards his room when you heard moaning. You put your ear against the door to make sure it was coming from his room and not Laito's. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You opened the door to find Ayato fucking (R/N).

"You son of bitch. How could you do this to me." You yelled at the top of your lungs. He wiped around with wide eyes. "(Y/N), it's not what it looks like." You ran out of his room and down the stairs. You could here him behind you yelling your name. "(Y/N), stop let me explain." He grabbed your wrist. "Let go of me." You slapped him across the face and ran out of the manor leaving a heart broken Ayato in the door way.

"Stupid Ayato, how could he do this to me. I love him and this is how he repays me." You stormed off mumbling to yourself. You walked to the park and sat on the bench. You closed your eyes and cleared your head. "Ah, neko-Chan what are you doing out here all alone. Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" You opened your eyes to find Kou sitting next to you. You rubbed your eyes of the tears. "Why bother, all he cares about is who's in his bed." Kou was taken back by that comment.

"What do you mean by that?" You let out a sigh. "I found Ayato in bed with (R/N). There happy now." You look away pissed. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of asked." You shook your head. "No, I shouldn't have snapped at you. You were only trying to help." He put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. "Hey, come sleep with me." You pushed away from Kou. "Listen I just got my heart broke I'm not ready to start over again." He shook his head as he chuckled. "Not like that silly. I mean come to my house and sleep there till you cool off. You basically live with Ayato and seeing him might make you cry again. So what do you say." He nudged you in your side.

You thought about for a little bit. "Your right, it would do some good to stay away from him. Thanks Kou." You lend over and kissed him on the check. He chuckled a bit and stood up. "Lets go get something to eat, than head home okay." You smiled and took his hand. You ate at (F/R), than headed home. You were smiling and laughing as you entered the house. Ruki, Azusa, and Yuma were in the living room with confused looks on their faces. " What is she doing here? Isn't she Ayato's?" Yuma asked as the mention of his name made your heart hurt. "Well, (Y/N) is gonna stay with us for a little bit." Kou smiled as he grabbed your hand and gave a squeeze. You gave a small smile while looking down.

"If he comes looking for her tell him she's not here and get lost okay." He lead you towards the guess room and opened the door to a beautifully decorated room. "Wow, its beautiful." He smiled as he sat on the bed. You joined him and laid on the bed. "If you need anything Ill be down the hall. There are clothes in the closet, use them if you want or if you prefer I can go with you to go get your stuff." You shook your head. "You've done so much for me already I couldn't ask you guys to do anything else. "Nah its fine, well its getting late you should get some sleep. Goodnight neck-Chan." He kissed your forehead and left. You got ready for bed and laid down and closed your eyes.

It was late in the middle of the day and you couldn't sleep. You got up and walked towards Kou's room. You opened the door and saw a sleeping Kou. You didn't want to wake him so you stepped back but a creak in the floor board woke him up. "(Y/N), is that you." He rubbed his eyes as he sat up. "Yeah, im sorry to wake you, ill just go back to my room." "No your fine. Do you need anything." You walked into his room and closed the door. "I couldn't sleep." He opened the covers and patted next to him. "Come lay next to me." You nodded your head and crawled into is bed. He pulled the covers over both of you and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.

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