I Am Coming

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In my AU jiji never died. He will die in another way.

Naruto sighed after what he heard. Jiji was sick and the man he hates the most is in charge. What is he going to do now? One wrong move can end his life. He knew he had to be very careful or he might get in trouble.

Oh, how he wished that was true.

"Naruto Uzumaki you are hereby banished from Konoha for being unsuccessful in protecting Sasuke from going with Orochimaru," Danzo said

Naruto was shocked. How is it his fault? He was never given a mission to protect Sasuke. It was Sasuke who wanted to go and he did not force him. Still, he kept quiet and listened.

"So you got thirty minutes to pack up and leave this place immediately," one of the council said

"If you do not leave we will end your life," another council said

Naruto sighed. No way out eh, he thought. He ran to his apartment without causing much attention. He knew the villagers voted him out. He packed up within twenty minutes and then started going to the borders of Konoha. When he reached there all his friends were waiting for him. No one said anything. Then Sakura decided to do something and maybe that would change his whole life.

Third Pov

"I am coming too, Sakura said sharply

Everyone was shocked. No one was expecting this from her. They expected her to blame Naruto as everyone else did.

"But Sakura-chan you will be a rogue if you join me with my journey," Naruto said, trying to reason with her.

Sakura laughed scornfully.

"Why do you think that's my concern?" she asked. "I don't care I mistreated you a lot because I was influenced by my mother and those pathetic villagers,"

"What," Naruto was confused

"My mom told me you were a demon," Sakura paused and closed her and then started talking again. "She told me many other things and I was influenced by the villagers and that is why I always hit you for no reason,"

"You never hated me?" Naruto asked

"Nope," She replied

"I am coming too," said a dog-lover

"Me too," said a blond girl

"I w-w-wanna c-come t-too," another girl said

"If you want you can come but please think about the downfall," Naruto pleaded

All of them said nothing but continued walking forward. By the time they left Konoha, Sakura took everyone's headband and disbanded those headbands and tossed them away. She thought she would feel a bit sad but she felt relieved like it was the right choice. No one else wanted to go even if they missed Naruto. Naruto was determined about one thing and that is to protect those people who will follow him in his journey but never betray him. He does not care about anyone else. He will make sure everyone is strong and proud of their decision. The others already decided to become strong and make Naruto proud. But Sakura had another goal in her mind. She will make all the Konoha villagers regret their decisions. She will make sure everyone respects Naruto or fear his name. And away they went with their journey, not knowing what lays ahead of them.

A few years later (Currently they are all sixteen years old. Everyone somehow found a supply of black cloaks, black shirts and Anbu pants. Well, they stole the supply and from that onwards, that is what they all wear)

Third Pov

"I am hungry," Ino complained

"We will reach our destiny soon and then you can eat," Sakura said

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