Chapter 5

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"Y/N!" someone screamed. You kept running, "Y/N!" they screamed again. You turned your head to see how close they were, which caused you to trip over a root. "You can't run forever Y/N!" They were getting closer. You scrambled to your feet and kept running and laughter filled your ears.

You startled awake causing Ryan to look over at you, "We're almost at the house." You just nodded, pushing the nightmare back, you didn't want to think about that now, or ever for that matter, but you knew that it would probably never go away completely.

You sat in silence for a couple of minuets before Ryan broke it, "Y/N, please just give these guys a chance, they're nothing like the others. I know I've said that before and it probably doesn't mean anything to you, but these guys are different." He got out of the car and when he say that you were making no move to get out, he walked over and went to open your door.

You started to panic. Your heart started to beat faster, and your breathing was getting shallow. You felt like you couldn't breath and that only made you panic more. "Y/N look at me. I need you to match my breathing. In. out." You did as he said. "In......and out. That's it." Once your breathing was back under control, and you looked calmer he opened your door. "Ready?" you nodded.

Grabbing your bags, you slid out of the car and followed Ryan up the front steps. He nocked on the door and waited. You heard footsteps then the door opened. "Well hello, you must be Mr. Wilson."

You froze when you heard his voice, you would know that voice anywhere. You looked up and saw none other that Jensen Ackles, and slightly behind him you saw Danneel Ackles.  Ryan pulled you back into the moment when he spoke, "Yes that's me, and this here," he gestured over to you, "Is Y/N Y/L/N."

When they looked at you their eyes widened, which was no doubt because you had a black eye and split lip. Jensen then held his hand out to you, "It's nice to meet you." You took a slight step back and nodded. Jensen, seeing as you were nervous dropped his hand, gave you a small smile, then turned to Danneel, "Honey, why don't you go show Y/N to her room while I talk to Mr. Wilson for a minuet."

She smiled, "Come on Y/N I'll show you where it is."

You looked at Ryan, he grinned and said, "I think that's a great idea. We'll meet you two in a couple of minutes." Danneel motioned for you to follow her so you quickly shuffled inside and followed her to your new bedroom. She gave you a small tour on the way to your room, making sure you knew where the bathroom, and kitchen were, before stopping in front of a door.

"This is your bedroom, so feel free to decorate it however you like." She opened the door and you both stepped inside the room. It was larger than any other room you had had before, it had a bed, a bookshelf, a desk, and a wardrobe. "You can leave your bags here and we can go to the living room and wait for the others." And you did just that.

You hadn't been waiting long when your social worker and Jensen came to join you and Danneel, "So Y/N, how are you liking it so far?" Ryan asked; you shrugged, keeping your eyes on the floor. "Alright, well Y/N, it's time for me to head out." You gave him a look of panic, "I've already signed you up for school so make sure you go, and this time Y/N please try and make some friends." You all walked him to the door, "Bye Y/N." He waved, and with that he was gone.

After a couple of minuets of standing at the door Jensen and Danneel turned towards you, "Why don't you go get yourself settled in while Danneel and I make some lunch." You glanced up at him for a moment before returning your eyes to the floor, nodded, then started off towards your room.

Right now, you were freaking out. You Y/N Y/L/N were in Jensen Ackles house, Jensen freaking Ackles. You had no idea how this happened. So, as it turns out Jensen Ackles is a new foster parent this was blowing your mind, but why out of all the kids he could have chosen to foster he agreed to foster you. Why had he agreed to foster you? Did he know your history with foster homes? Was this only a temporary situation? Not knowing when you were going to be moved was always the worst part. You shook your head; it was best not to think about it.

You stared unpacking your bags, putting your warn out clothes in the dresser, placing your sketchbook and pencils in one of the desk drawers, and moving the few books you had to the bookshelf. Once satisfied with where things were, you shoved your duffle bag under the bed, then made your way to the kitchen.

You were just outside the kitchen when you heard Jensen talking to Danneel in a hushed tone, "You saw her De, she looked like she'd just been in a fight."

"Yes, but we can't force anything on to the child Jay. We hardly know her."

"Mr. Wilson told me that she's had it rough, and he does suspect abuse, but he can't do anything about it because every time he asks her, she makes up an excuse. De we just met her and I'm already almost 100 percent sure that she has been abused."

"Jensen I'm not saying that I don't agree with you, but all I am saying is that we can't force the girl to go to therapy when we only just met her."

"But she clearly has PTSD. She needs help."

"I know and we will get her help, but first we need to gain her trust."

Always hating when people talked about you, you chose that moment to make yourself known by entering the kitchen. "Oh, lunch is almost ready Y/N. I hope you like soup." Danneel said, to which you only nodded.

She set the table and brought over the soup. You stood back to wait until the adults sat down so you would know which seat was yours; Jensen upon seeing this gave you a soft smile and nodded to the seat across from him. Ducking your head, you timidly pulled the chair out and sat down; Danneel distributed the soup.

Your hands shook as you held your spoon. That just frustrated you, you didn't want to appear weak to Jensen freaking Ackles, but the truth simply was that you were weak, you were broken, and you were scared. What if the man who played Dean Winchester was just like every other foster parent you've had? What if the one thing that got you through those shitty homes was just a lie?

You had some how managed to finish your soup, but you weren't sure what to next and you started to panic. You clenched you fists and tried to keep your breathing under control, the last thing you wanted was to have a panic attack in front of these people.

Jensen, sensing what was happening tried to help, "Hey Y/N, I have a couple papers I have to fill out. Would you come with me to the living room?" that calmed you a little, knowing what you were supposed to do next, so you nodded, whispered 'thank you' to Danneel, and followed him into the living room.

"Alright, so, there's a couple of questions on the papers that I have to ask you, then I have to send the paperwork to your social worker. I'm assuming that you are familiar with the process?" again you only nodded. "Ok, first question..." He asked a couple questions that you were very familiar with, mostly yes or no questions. Then came the question you always hated, "And last question. Did you sustain any injuries from your last home?"

To this question you always lied, "No."

A look of sadness came across his face, "Ok, all done. Why don't you go see if Danneel needs any help with Dinner, while I go send this to Mr. Wilson." Again, you only nodded and headed off to the kitchen.

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