Chapter 6

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Entering the kitchen quietly you see Danneel making spaghetti, "D-Do y-you need any h-help?"

She turns to look at you and gives you a soft smile, "Do you want to stir the sauce for me?" you nod and take over stirring. "So Y/N, what kind of music do you like?"

"I-I l-like classic rock." You whispered.

"I think you and Jensen will get along just fine."

"Oh you betcha." You flinched; you hadn't seen Jensen leaning against the doorframe, and it startled you when you suddenly heard his voice. You were still getting your head around the idea of Jensen and Danneel Ackles being your foster parents. "Well you see Danneel here doesn't like my music, but now I have you to vouge for me and tell her that it is good music."

"Ok well, why don't you go show Y/N your vast music collection and leave me to finish dinner?"

"Come on Y/N, lets see what your favourites are."

Danneel came to find you guys once dinner was ready, and what she found made her smile. You and Jensen were looking through the shelves of CDs, while Ramble on by Led Zeppelin played with Jensen singing along. She waited until the song was almost done before interrupting, "Alright guys dinner time."

Jensen turned to look at his wife, "Ok, thanks sweetheart." He then turned to look at you with a soft smile, "Welp, you heard the lady, time to eat."

As you guys ate, you noticed that Jensen and Danneel both looked as though they wanted to ask a bunch of different questions, and no doubt one of those questions probably was where all the bruises came from. You shrank down into your chair, hoping they wouldn't ask questions. Sensing that you were unconfutable they left you to eat your food without bringing it up.

Once you finished your dinner, you were expecting what happened next, "Y/N can you please wash the dishes?" You quickly got up and started to clear the table, while Jensen and Danneel headed into the living room.

In the kitchen you started by filling the sink with water.

"If you don't finish this in 5 minuets you know what'll happen."

Looking behind you begged for the sink to fill faster.

Only half the dishes were finished when they back came in, "Well I guess you couldn't do the one thing that was asked." They grabbed you by your hair, dragged you to the back door. They opened it and threw you outside, it was minus 20 degrees outside. "Don't even think about trying anything." They shut and locked the door and left you there.

"Y/N?" you heard Jensen say.

You came back to your senses. The sink was filled to the point where it was almost going to overflow. You fumbled with the foist until it finally turned off. You spun around so fast, "I-I-I'm s-sorry. I-I'll hurry up. I-I'm s-sorry." You stammered.

"Hey, it's ok, we just remembered that we forgot to tell you where the dishwasher was." He gave you a small smile, "Here why don't I help you." He walked over to where you assumed the dishwasher was and opened it. He then started to load it and you quickly helped.

After the dishwasher was turned on you stood there until you knew you were allowed to leave. Jensen had offered for you to watch a movie with Danneel and him but you have shook your head and headed off to your room. Usually at a home when the family offered for you to do something with them, it always turned into something bad.

In your room you got out your sketchbook and started to draw. You drew until you heard a knock on the door. Panicking you shoved everything back into the top drawer. The door opened slowly. "We just wanted to say goodnight. Sleep well." Once the door was closed you listened until you heard their footsteps. You knew it was safe when you heard the creak of them heading up the stairs.

You knew you were safe, at least until the morning.

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