Chapter 7

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Boots thudding above you, they were getting closer. Jingling of keys; click of a lock. The creak of the door.

You startled awake, breathing heavily. He was coming, you had to get out of there. You jumped out of bed and stumbled to your door. You fumbled with the handle until you finally were able to rip the door open and run down the hallway towards the front door. Halfway down the hall you tripped on a rug. Trying to catch yourself you banged into the wall, making a loud thud noise and almost knocking a picture off the wall. Hearing a squeak coming from the stairs you gathered yourself, quickly looked toward the stairs then began running again. 

"Y/N?" you heard; you kept running. Finally making it to the door you began twisting and pulling the handle. "Y/N?" You spun around still breathing heavily. A light switched on and saw Jensen. You were still breathing heavily. He took a step forward with his arms held out slightly, "It's ok Y/N. It's me Jensen."

He took another step forward, "Shhhh, it's ok." You were still panicking, "It's ok Y/N. Can you take a deep breath for me?" You tried to do as he said. "Try to match your breathing to mine. In....... and out." You took a breath. "Good. Ok again. In............ and out."

By the time you had managed to calm down, you were sitting on the ground while Jensen kneeled in front of you. He had left enough space between you two, so not to crowed you and to keep you comfortable. You guys sat there in silence for awhile, Jensen was obviously leaving it up to you to whether you wanted to talk about it or not.

"T-thank you." You whispered.

"No need to thank me. Is there anything you need?" he asked softly.

You shook your head and mumbled, "Just a bad dream." You stood up with your head down and walked quickly back to your room.

As you got back into the bed you glanced at the clock. 4:45. It was 4:45 in the fucking morning. Crap. You had awoken Jensen freaking Ackles at 4:45 in the morning. He was probably annoyed with you. There's no way he's going to keep you now. You didn't sleep that well the rest of the night.

After drifting in and out of sleep that night, you finally just got yourself out of bed around 8:00. You got into one of your old too small worn out black sweatpants, grey t shirt, then pulled on a dark blue hoodie. You didn't want to appear like you were a brat, you had learned that lesson from your first foster home. They had given you your first of many 'spankings' as they called it. You made your way down the hallway and to the kitchen. The house was still quiet so you guessed no one was up yet, and decided to do what you were always told to do. You started by pulling out the flower, milk, eggs and started to mix it together.

About 30 minuets had passed and you had made eggs pancakes and scrambled eggs; you set everything nicely out on the island counter. Once everything was cleaned up and put away you went back to your room without eating anything. You had been taught to make the food, set it out, then make yourself scarce. It was your job and if you had taken any food without being granted permission, you would be given a beating.

In your room you waited. Given that it was Saturday, it wasn't until about 10:00 when you heard the Ackles' make there way down to the kitchen. 5 minuets had passed since you had heard them enter the kitchen when you heard a knock on your door.

They opened the door slightly, "Y/N?" It was Danneel. She peeked her head in, "Did you make us breakfast?" You nodded. "Thank you. Did you want to come eat with us, or have you already eaten?" You shook your head, not wanting to see Jensen yet after what happened earlier. "Ok, well come out and join us when your ready." With that she closed the door and you heard the retreat back to the kitchen.

You stayed in you room for about half an hour just to give them some privacy and to enjoy each others company while they ate. When you went into the kitchen it was quiet and you saw Jensen and Danneel In their pajamas sitting across from each other sipping their coffee. Danneel was looking out the window while Jensen was looking down at the table, he then looked up and saw you standing at the entrance. He gave you a soft smile and nodded his head as if to motion you over.

As you slowly made your way over to the table Danneel turned her head and noticed you. "Hey, Y/N." she smiled, "Those pancakes were really good, thank you." You nodded.

You glanced at Jensen, hoping he wouldn't ask or for that matter even bring up what happened earlier, but of course nothing ever really goes the way you hope. "So..... Y/N" he paused, "Can you please explain to us what happened last night?"

You tensed, and you could feel your heartbeat faster, "I-I-I j-just h-had a bad dream."

"Are you sure that's all? It seemed like something more." He said trying to look you in the eye, but you had your head down.

"N-no it was j-just a bad d-dream." You weren't lying, it had been only a dream. He just didn't need to know that it was also a kind of flash back.

"Alright" he sighed.

Sensing as if a change of subject was needed Danneel jumped in, "We left a couple of pancakes on the counter for you. You can just heat them up and eat them whenever you'd like."

"T-thank you." You whispered and shuffled over to where the pancakes were. Jensen and Danneel left and went to the living room to give you some space.

You sat down at the table and started to eat. You didn't know if the Ackles' thought they were quiet or they just thought you couldn't hear well because you could hear them talking in the other room and of course their conversation topic was you.

"I told you not to bring it up Jay!"

"What was I supposed to do then huh? Just pretend it never happened?"

"I wasn't saying that."

"You didn't see her De; she was freaking out like she was being chased by a lion! She was so terrified!"

"Shhh quiet down she'll hear you! I don't want her to be scared or get the wrong idea." She hissed.

He sighed, "You're right I'm sorry. Lets just leave it for now and talk about it later."


They came back in and saw that you had only eaten one pancake, "Not to hungry?"  Danneel asked sweetly. Again you only shook your head. "That's alright." She picked up your plate and put it on the counter next to the sink, "Why don't you go your room while we get dressed and then we go pick up the kids."

You went back to your room. Right. They have kids. 3 kids. You rolled your eyes, "This'll be fun."

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