Chapter 2

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You awoke to a pounding on your door, "Y/N! Get your ass outa bed, we need breakfast and it isn't gonna make itself!" It was Mrs. Bartley. Groaning, you got up, threw on a pair of black ripped jeans, a black t-shirt that said 'saving people hinting things, the family business' with baby on under it, and a red and black flannel. You shoved your homework into your backpack, checked yourself over to make sure none of the old and new bruises and cuts didn't show, then went to go wake the kids up.

You first went to wake up Jamie but found her already awake and playing with her stuffed animals, so you left her be for now since she seemed content with just playing for a bit. Next was Toby because he could get ready himself and liked to sometimes 'help' wake up Alice.

You walked over to Toby and sook his shoulder slowly, "Toby, time to get up."

Eyes still closed; he shook his head, "Noooooo. I wanna sleep."

"Come on Toby don't do this to me, I still have to wake up Alice. You wanna help me?" At that, he shot up out of his bed, and was out the door like he hadn't just been asleep. You went across the hall into Alice's room just in time to see Toby about to jump on her. "Careful Toby," you warned him, but it was too late.

"Morning Al!" Toby yelled as he jumped on her.

She glared up at him, "Why do you always do that? I hate it." He just started to laugh.

You decided to make your presence known, "Morning Al."

Alice looked over at you, "Morning Y/N," she then started to push Toby off the bed.

"Ok Toby, time to go back to your own room and get ready for breakfast."

"Ok." He ran back to his room still giggling a little.

You helped Alice pick some warm clothes seeing as it looked kinda cold outside. Her outfit conspired of a long-sleeve shirt with a rainbow on it, a warm pink sweater, and a pair of gray fuzzy leggings. You told her to see if Toby was dressed and to wait with him while you went and got Jamie ready.

Walking into Jamie's room, you see her still playing with her stuffer animals and hadn't noticed you yet. "Jamie you ready for breakfast?"

She turned to look at you, then nodded her head. "Bweakfast." You lifted her out of the crib and got her dressed into black sweats and a purple long-sleeved shirt.

"Ok let's go get the others."

You all head downstairs and into the kitchen where you thought Mr. and Mrs. Bartley were, but when you got there, they weren't there, that's when you heard the T.V. You started making a fast breakfast for everyone because if you didn't hurry you were going to be late for school. When you were done making it, you told the Mr. and Mrs. that breakfast was on the table. After everyone finished you quickly washed the dishes, grabbed Toby and Alice's bags, and all three of you left for school or in Alice's case daycare. Once you dropped off the others, you made your way to your school.

At school you were met with the same old scene, people everywhere. The jocks and cheerleaders were all either in the middle of the hall or crowed by their lockers, the gamers were by the front door, the drama nerds were in a corner running over their lines, and there were people chatting to their friends everywhere you looked. You didn't bother making friends because you didn't see the point, you didn't know how long you were there for until you were moved again. You had made that mistake at your first and second and even third school, made friends and then you moved, so you didn't see the point anymore.

Lowering your head, you started to make your way through the sea of people, not looking anybody in the eye. You were almost to your classroom when someone slammed you into the lockers, they started laughing amongst the group and walking away; sighing, you made the rest of the trip to your classroom.

You were halfway through third period when you heard it, "Y/N Y/L/N to the office pleases. Y/N Y/L/N to the office." Almost half the class turned to look at you, you quickly picked up your things and rushed out of the classroom. Outside the office, you took a deep breath calming yourself, then made your way inside.

You walked up to the desk, "Umm... I-I'm Y/N, I was called to the office."

The nice office lady smiled at you, "Oh, right. You can have a seat, the principal wanted to talk to you, he'll come get you in a minute." You took a seat in the corner and waited.

The principal walked out of his office, his eyes swept across the waiting area until they landed on you, "Ah Y/N, come on in." You stood up, grabbed your backpack, and followed him into his office.

As soon as you walked in you was your social worker sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk, sighing you sat down beside him. "As you know Y/N," the principal started sitting down behind his desk, "That we have some concerns about your home life at the Bartley's." You paled. Shit. "We at the school have noticed that you are coming to school with bruises almost daily, and we are concerned that the Bartley's are the ones responsible."

You all sat in silence until your social worker Ryan cleared his throat, "Y/N, I'm here to pick you up and bring you to another home. We will go to the Bartley's house so you can collect your things, then I will bring you to your new foster family." The way he said 'foster family' made you a little upset, it reminded you that it was yet another family that was just taking you in for their needs, just to give you away again when it wasn't continent for them anymore.

"It was nice having you in this school Y/N, and I hope that your next home will be better than your last one. I'm sad to see you go but I wish you the best wherever your life may lead you." You shook your principal's hand, then headed out with Ryan to his car.

You got to the house, and to your surprise nobody was home. You climbed the stairs and headed for your room with Ryan. You made quick work with packing up your stuff, snatching up your duffel bag and throwing your clothes in it, opening your desk drawer and grabbing your sketchbook,  pens and pencils, and lastly picking up the couple of books you had and putting them in your backpack.

"Alright Y/N, you got everything?"

You look around the room making sure you didn't forget anything, "Yup."

"Ok, ready to go?" Sighing, you nod your head. You had some great memories here with the kids, you were going to miss them, and you hoped that they would be fine after you left. You remember the tickle fights you guys had, how you played with them, how you tucked them in at night, how you sang to them, how you read to them, and how they always tried to help you cook. You were going to miss them. Ryan led you back down the stairs and back out to the car.

"What are the names of my new abusers?" he gave you a look, "Oh, I mean fosters?"

"Y/N just give them a chance."

"Fine. So, they have names?"

"Turner. You'll be staying with the Turners"

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