Learning His Manners

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He rolled off of me and let out a big breathe.  "Bloody hell Gracie.  That was the best sex i've ever had,".  I felt so proud and blushed a little. 

I rolled on him and kissed him.  "Me too," I smiled.  I rolled off of him.  Now I was achey and soar. 

"Darling do you fancy a shower?".

I really could use hot water to relax me, but I couldn't stand.  "D I don't think I can stand,".

He stood up and walked to the bathroom and ran the faucet of the sink and wet a towel to clean himself and me up.  "Well I'll hold you the whole time," he explained. 

He wiped around my sensitive area and before I knew it he bent down and licked my bud.  "There all clean," he smirked.  He heard the little noise I made when his tongue touched.   He stood back up and carried me to the bathroom.  He sat me up on the counter and got the shower running. 

"Draco I don't want to get ny hair wet," I complained.

He thought for a minute before he spoke, "Well then Darling I have just the thing,".  He left for a minute and returned with a bonnet.  I giggled to think that he used it.  "It's not mine Love!  It's Blaise's so he doesn't mess up his hair when he sleeps,".

Mhm sure.  "Then how come I've never seen Blaise wear it?" I bubbled.

He rolled his eyes knowing what I was thinking.  "He found out you were staying in our room and he didn't want to look a fool in front of a princess,".

"I still don't believe you,".  I grabbed the bonnet from his hands and adjusted my into it and made sure ever last strand was covered. 

He laughed at the way I looked with it on and I flicked his forehead.  He carried me into the shower and he kept his promise.  He held me the whole time.

I was all clean and relaxed dressed in Draco's clothes and we were cuddling.  He has taken amazing care of me for the past hour and a half.  Clementine brought us a catalog of gowns so I could pick one for the ball.   It was down to two gorgeous dresses. 


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After a lot of thinking I finally chose the all black, sparkly, poofy dress

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After a lot of thinking I finally chose the all black, sparkly, poofy dress. It suited me very well. More then the white and black one I would think. Draco agreed too. "I agree Love that one is the right one,"

I cut out the catalog picture and put it in the envelope with enough Galleon to cover the price.  I also put a little note in to the manager of the company the dress was from.   It was the best designer in all of wizarding world. 

Dear Annabelle,
I would like to buy the dress shown in the cut out I inserted in the envelope.  My owl is here to take it safely back home with me and the Galleon i left should cover the price and help you open another store.  Thank you!

-Princess Grace

"Ok D, now that I finished with that, what di you want to do?"

He stood up and grabbed my hand.  "We are going to go eat!" he cheered. 

"Ugh," I groaned.  At least he was doing it with me. 

"Lose the attitude love," he ordered. 


We got to the dining area and he sat me down at a table.  Lunch had already happened so the dining hall was empty.  When he came to sit next to me he had to plates with equal amounts of food.  There was an apple he cut into slices for me, a chicken wing which he separated into bite size pieces, chopped up carrots, and a carton of yogurt. 

I looked down at all the food and felt nauseous.  "Draco I don't feel good,".

"What do you want to eat first?  The yogurt looks really good to me let's try it,".  He was really good at distracting me because I tried the yogurt without a second thought.  It is really good. 

I looked to see he hadn't finished his yet so I took my spoon and pushed his aside while he was going in for a scoop.  "Hey what are you-" I grabbed a spoonful and ate it.  I looked at him with yogurt in my mouth and started to laugh.  The yogurt sprayed all over him.

"YUCK!" he yelped.  It sounded like I just cut off his arm. 

"I'm sorry Draco I didn't mean-".

"Well you did!  My mum made this for me and now its bloody ruined.  You're so stupid!". He hasn't lashed out on me like this in a while.

I stared at him with angry eyes, "I am NOT stupid.  It was your dumb idea to get me to eat this in the first place.  Now I lost my somewhat appetite!  Thanks Draco.  You ruined my meal and my birthday,".  I stormed out.  The ruined birthday part was a bit dramatic, but it's what he deserved to hear. 

I was almost at the doors when he grabbed my arm and yanked me toward him. "Ow!" I yelled.

"You are going to sit!  And you are going to eat!  And you are going to be happy because it's your birthday!  Now i'm sorry for being rude just then I was just mad.  Now shove that food down your damn throat before I shove something else down there!  Understand?"

I was so dumbfounded about this.  Him apologizing after he lashes out is a never seen thing.  I'm glad he's changed his ways.  "Yes sir,".  I sat down and we both finished the mini meal together.


We were walking past the ballroom and I saw the giant pile of presents.  "Oh my!  That's much bigger then all the other years.  It almost touches the ceiling!" I exclaimed. 

"I know baby I told you.  I'll be right back,".

"What?" But before he could answer he was already walking to the pile of presents.  He snatched a couple off the stack and sprinted out of the room. 

"Draco Malfoy you return the presents at once!" I heard McGonagall yell.

"Sorry Professor!  Princess's orders!". He grabbed my hand and we ran up the shifting staircase. 

"Draco!" I laughed. 

We were both panting out of breath by the time we got back to our dorm.  "I figured you could open a few early,". 

I smiled.  He knows me too well.  I looked at the name tags from who they r from and one said "Your Dray <3".  "Draco!  You already got me a present you didn't need to get me another!"

"Oh did I grab one of mine?" He turned his head the same way as mine to read the tag.  "I guess I did.  And Princess, there is at least 10 more gifts in that pile from me and 10 from my parents,".

I punched his arm.  "Stop it no more gifts!".

"I may be a selfish prude sometimes, but I love the way your face lights up when you get excited.  Your eyebrows do this little wiggle and it's just adorable Love,".  He kissed my nose.  "Open a few!"

I grabbed the one with no name tag first.  It was a small box wrapped in brown paper.  I opened the box and saw a pin.   I turned it around and... WHAT THE BLOODY HELL.  "DRACO!! LOOK!"

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