What is Your Twilight Story?

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What month were you born?

Enero- Carlisle Cullen

Febrero- Esme Cullen

Marzo- Edward Cullen

Abril- Bella Swan

Mayo- Jacob Black

Junio- Rosalie Hale

Julio- Emmett Cullen

Augusto- Alice Cullen

Setembre- Jasper Hale

Octubre- Sam Uley

Novembre- Leah Clearwater

Decembre- Charlie Swan


Day of which you were born?

1- kissed me

2- hugged me

3- punched me

4- kicked me

5- married me

6- danced with me

7- took a picture of me

8- talked to me

9- waited for me

10- high fived me

11- fist bumped me

12- slept with me

13- watched me

14- looked at me

15- winked at me

16- waved at me

17- poked me with a fork

18- touched my cat

19- ate my food

20- puked all over me

21- played by me

22- sat by me

23- stomped on my foot

24- played the piano

25- dressed up

26- chilled by me

27- stalked me

28- laughed

29- flew around the room

30- crashed into me

31- slept together


Color of your hair...

Brown- at my house

Black- at school

Red- in the face

Blonde- at the beach

Other- at the dance

Lol my Twilight story is Jacob Black slept together at my house.
(May, 31, brown hair)

What's your Twilight Story??

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