Harry Potter Rants Written by KatKat_books

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Hey guys! I'm Kitty aka KatKat_books.
I'm excited to write a chapter in this book, and I think it'll be kind of modge-podge of randomness, but idk.

Also, go check out my books Journey and Firefly.

So I've never read Twilight... Oops... Everyone who I've talked to says it isn't a worthwhile read, and I've just been avoiding it, which is weird, because I'll read EVERYTHING. I'm just not into excessive romance (John Greene is an exception... Gotta love An Abundance of Katharines). So yeah.

I am, however, a HUUUUGGEEEE Potterhead... Like huge. Just take my word for it. So I've made a bunch of little rants about my thoughts on characters and whatnot .

1) Hermione Granger

Hermione is one of my favorite characters because I relate to her in many ways. She is often ridiculed for her brilliance, and is discriminated against because of who her parents are. Even then she stands up for herself and her beliefs. She participated in SPEW even when everyone called for her to stop. Another thing is she's so bad-ass. Like woah. I mean she removed her parents memories, made an illegal potion at age 12, AND PUNCHED DRACO MALFOY IN THE FACE. The last one is the best. She however, does have her flaws, like a bit of a temper and closed mindedness. But even the best have their faults, and it just makes Hermione seem more real.

2) Hufflepuff

I'm equally a Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, but Potter more places me in Hufflepuff, so all the merch I have invested in is Hufflepuff. People are always bringing the house down, so here's a list of why Hufflepuff is awesome:

1. Teddy Lupin and Tonks are Hufflepuffs.
2. The common room is brightly lit, cozy, and right next to kitchens.
3. Hufflepuffs make the best friends/lovers because of their loyalty.
4. All the Hufflepuffs stayed in the battle of Hogwarts and Hufflepuff produced the least dark wizards throughout history.
5. The Fat Friar is like the best ghost ever.

Those are just a few reasons, but I mean being a Hufflepuff is the best.

3) Harmony and Snilly

PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!! Seriously, this is atrocious!! Harry and Hermione are more like SIBLINGS. Even Harry said that Hermione was like his sister. Besides, it adds onto the non generic parts of the story. The main heroine ALWAYS ends up with the main character. In Harry Potter, it doesn't happen, making the series more different and original.

I also don't like Snilly. Like yeah yeah I get, Snape loved Lilly. But he was the reason that she died in the first place. If he hadn't gone and told Voldemort about the prophecy, she would've still been alive. Besides, Snape is a little obsessive. Like she died, seventeen years ago. Get a life Snape.

Don't get me wrong. I still love Severus for his complexity as a character, but I don't believe that they would have been good together.

James may have been a git as a kid, but he didn't change his ways. He has everything, but befriended three boys: one who was mistreated by his family, one who believed he was a monster, and one who was a bit of an outcast. James willingly went through am EXTREMELY dangerous process, knowing fully he could be killed, just so Remus wouldn't have to bear the full moon alone. When Voldemort came to his door on October 31, he told his wife to run, trying to save her and his baby. James Potter died by betrayal from his friend, but lived a life of loyalty.

4) Fan Fiction

Ah, Harry Potter fan fiction. Some of the most beautiful and horrible things ever. I have written two fan fictions, Journey and Firefly.

I know there's book dedicated to fan fiction rants, but here's a short list of tips to any Harry Potter ff writer.

1. GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR. Seriously guys. Check it.

2. Overused plots:

When I started to write Journey, I made sure to make it SUPER different than the usual thing about the girl being in Gryffindor and against Voldemort. Even though I've only written two chapters, it already seems like one of my best works.

3. Modern references:

The original series takes place in the 1990's. Your characters cannot sing "Let it Go" and say "swag". Also, try to use British terminology. I'm American, and trust me I know it's hard, but even if you only know two words of British slang, try to use it. Most of my words are American, and I'll admit it, but don't go around saying "Dude" or something like that.

4. "Bella Swans":

Like I said, I've never read Twilight, but I know enough to know that Bella is perfect. To make your own character connect with your readers, give them flaws. Maybe they're not pretty, or smart, or funny. Maybe they have a horrid temper or are very gullible. Just make sure your characters have faults.

5. Changing the personalities of the original characters:

I don't know if I feel this way, but u hate it when characters are completely changed. Like you just slap on the name, but give them a different personality. Like Hermione shouldn't sing jolly way, Snape shouldn't make jokes, Dumbledore shouldn't yell at anyone. (HARRY DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIYAH??????)

No, seriously. Stick to the books.

And that guys is my chapter! Thank you to the author of this book for letting me feature in it! Let me know if you liked it by leaving a comment on this story. I won't get a notification, so if you want a response you can also PM me. Don't forget to check out my books and give me any type of constructive criticism!

Until Next Time,

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