How Harry Potter is Better than Twilight

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Written by @magical_hogwarts

I hate TWILIGHT!!!
I literally hate Twilight. I have read the first book and seen the other movies. I think that the summary of the whole Twilight Saga can be in a single sentence:

A human girl, Bella, fell in love with a vampire named Edward, had a demon-child called Renesmee and became a vampire.

Twihards thinks that watching someone sleep is romantic but its is really creepy. Twilight even supports teenage pregnancy which is really unhealthy. And how did Edward get Bella pregnant?! How come he couldn't read Bella's mind?!Well, I know the answer to the latter. Because Bella didn't have a brain. She acts like a five- year-old whining child. She abandons all her old friends for her boy friend. She is NOT independent. She always depends on Edward.Many people say that Kristen Stewart is talented. SHE IS NOT AT ALL TALENTED. She is just beautiful. Even in her other films she always has the same expression. Bella's life is perfect. Edward doesn't have flaws. But the story looks reals only if the even main characters have flaws. No one is perfect. No one can be perfect. And the most important thing. DEATH IS INEVITABLE. Everything that is born has to die. Voldemort gave up looks to achieve immortality. But when Harry killed all the horcruxes, he was mortal again. We can't have immortality and looks at the same time. Twilight is far too predictable. In Harry Potter you can't predict what will happen. For example, before the second task in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, I was thinking that what will happen when he wasn't able to find a way to breathe underwater, until Dobby came and gave him Gillyweed (it was different in the movie and the book). In most of the books and movies, the main hero marries the main heroine. But in Harry Potter it wasn't so. Harry married Ginny (who was a not so major character) and Ron married Hermione.

If you say that, Harry Potter has hard English, I agree. But I like it that way. It improves our grammar. I was reading Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban the day before my English exam and I got the highest marks (note that I am an average student I get average marks). Summarising Harry Potter is a nearly impossible task. In the movies many things have to be changed so that the movies could fit the time.In Twilight, Meyer had subjects - biology, literature, art, etc. which already exist. But Rowling made totally new subjects, such as, transfiguration, potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Ancient runes, History ao Magic and many more. Meyer doesn't pay any attention to the names of the characters. Angela, mike, jessica- they are really cammon names. Where as Rowling paid attention to their names too. Voldemort is the anagram of Tom Marvolo Riddle. Meyer is not at all imaginative.I you say that Harry Potter doesn't have love, I WILL MURDER YOU!! The whole series is based on love. Harry had the protection against Voldemort due to his mother's love. She sacrificed herself for him. Ron and Hermione helped Harry through all his aspects of life because they loved him ( not the romantic kind of love). Snape spied for Dumbledore because he loved Lily. Whereas there is only romance in Twilight. 'Don't pity the dead, pity the living. Above all those who live without love.' - Albus DumbledoreLove is the most powerful force in the whole world. In Harry Potter, Rowling also mentions the social evils and many bad aspects of the society. She made the character Ted Lupin, to show that in a war, many children are orphaned. She also creates the prejudices such as, werewolfs are evil and such. It doesn't only tell us about the power of love but also the various aspects of the society which should be changed.* * *"What do I have to do for detention?" Harry asked Snape, when he reached the dungeons for detention."You have to read the whole Twilight Saga and write a book report!" Snape said."But it is pure touture!"* * *This chapter was by Asita aka IAmBookLover4Ever.Please check out my new story a Harry Potter fanficBack to where it all begun

JK Rowling is not afraid to kill her characters. She even killed Dumbledore. She is also not afraid to make flaws in her characters. If you have read Deathly Hallows, then you must have learnt about the mistakes Dumbledore made when he was younger."It is impossible to live without failing at something. Unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all in which you fail by default. " quotes JK Rowling. These mistakes make us a better person. In Bella's life, everything is perfect. She has everything she wants. Everyone has flaws. Meyer should think before she writes something. I am not saying that she is a bad writer but everyone makes mistakes. And how can the a story based off a dream become an international bestseller?! If I wrote books on dreams then I would be a billionaire.

"It doesn't do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."-Albus Dumbledore Meyer is afraid to kill her character. When there is a war, it is not necessary that only the bad ones die. Anyone can die. And when I was seeing Breaking Dawn part 2, I thought at least now she is not afraid to kill some good characters. But then it turned out to be Alice's vision. I was disappointed.

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