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The forest was dark, so much so it was hard to tell where the past was leading both Syrus and Jaden.

The loud clunking of his heavy armor startled Syrus, with no idea how Jaden had come across that sort of clothing, he asked with curiosity, "Hey, Jay?"

Jaden was quiet, his mind bleak and clouded as he walked, his anger only fueling him as he marched on.


No answer. 'He couldn't hear a thing' thought Syrus as he hurried to catch up to his best friend.

His honey colored eyes shimmered, this wasn't Jaden any longer, this was the supreme king. His mind overbearing fear for his closest friend as well as his lover, merely vanished.

He began to leave Syrus in the dust, without a word.

Syrus reached out his hand as he ran, his voice becoming louder as he screamed to catch his attention.

A loud fire roared into Syrus' ears, warmth was near.

He jolted from the place he rested from. His breaths heavy, his vision disoriented. Someone was holding his hand, it was Jim.

"No need to be so scared, Syrus. It was only a dream mate." Jim said with the utmost comfort he could muster.

Syrus couldn't fathom what he had just seen, his best friend, who wasn't anything like him. Jaden yuki, the bubbly, kind and most outgoing person in all of duel academy!

Axel, was with him as well, "Syrus, Jaden being the supreme king.. it isn't a dream. It's real."

A loud choked gasp escaped Syrus' mouth, 'how could he have known?'

"Trust me mate, we've seen him. Scary eyes and all." Jim was petting Shirley as he talked.

"So, Y/N and Jessie..they're really gone. As well as the others.." Tears were escaping from Syrus, poor kid wasn't doing so well.

"That's right. I hate to break it to you though, we can't stay here for ever. We have to break Jaden free from what ever is controlling him, and find Jessie and Y/N. The others got sent to the stars. But finding the mastermind behind all of this.. they can set them free."

The only thing left to do was save Jaden. From himself.

What I've done 『Jaden Yuki X Reader』Where stories live. Discover now