Where are you hiding?

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*A/n* Guys! Thank you for all your support! It means so much to me! Now, on with the story!

You were heading to your dorm when you felt someone touch your shoulder, "Hello friend! How are ya?" You jumped back only to see jesse smiling brightly. "Jesse! You scared me!" He laughed, "So I heard the news! You and Jay are dating, right?"

You blushed, "Yeah, I was so surprised yesterday. He's a sweetheart. I love him so much." Jesse smiled,

"I'm glad you're happy, but all that aside, Did you hear that the shadow creatures took Blair?"

You panicked, "They took Blair?! Jesse, take me to where it happened."

He ran in front of you as you made your way to the slifer red dorm. You saw everyone looking terrified. You heard things like, "Did you hear? Blair was taken by this demon and this person who was dressed in black and had a helmet on." "He dueled her and she lost." "He kind of looked like the senior Jaden Yuki I saw his eyes they were brown and gold, he had a very scary expression on his face."

You gasped. "No... Jaden couldn't have done this... I can't and won't believe this..." You furiously made a fist and clenched it. Tears began to fall down your face. "No... It's not him.... JESSE IT'S NOT HIM!!!" You fell on your knees sobbing.

Jesse helped you up. "It couldn't be... Tell me Jesse! Tell me it wasn't him!!" Jesse stood there quietly. "I am sorry, Y/N. I don't know."

You began to run towards the ocean, wondering what would cause this. Magician's Valkyria appeared by your side, "Miss Y/N, do you think Mr. Yuki would do this?" You nod in disagreement. "No Valkyria, he wouldn't do that. He can control it! I know he can!"

After running for a maximum of 25 minutes you found a mysterious dark figure standing there. "J-Jaden, is that you...." You said worriedly. "Be careful, Miss Y/N, you don't know what he might do to you." Dark magician said as he held down dark magician girl.

"Lemme at him! Yesterday he asks her out NOW HE TRIES TO DESTROY THE WORLD!!! ARE THERE NO LIMITS TO HIS EVIL?!" Dark magician girl said as she pointed her wand at the mysterious figure.

"Dark magician girl! Stop being so idiotic! Look at her, she's shaking in fear. You're not making her feel any better." Magician's Valkyria said as she hit dark magician girl on the head with her staff.

"I'm going to save him from his eternal darkness. I'm coming, Jaden." Your body began to glow, your hair was swept in the wind. Your clothes changing to a white suit of armor, in your hand you had a white staff. "I'll rescue him from the darkness and everyone that was captured."

You ran down the hill only to find Jaden holding a Ra Yellow student in his grasp. You gasped in shock. "Put him down, Jaden . Leave him out of this." You said as you changed into a defensive stance. You made your staff disappear and made a duel disk appear on your right arm.

"We have some things to settle." Jaden laughed evilly. "Oh the white enchantress wants to play a game. Well so be it."

"DUEL!" You both said in unison.

"Ladies first." Jaden said smirking.

You huffed. "I summon Crystal dragon in defense mode, I place one card face down. With that I end my turn."

Jaden smirked. "After I'm done with you, you'll beg for mercy. I draw! I summon Elemental HERO Clayman. I attack your Crystal dragon! I place one card face down and end my turn."

You held your chest in pain as took the attack. "My turn! Let's end this quickly. I summon Magician's Valkyria and I activate bond beyond teacher and student, if magician's valkyria is on the field I get to call Dark magician! I now activate the continuous trap! Magician Party! Since I have magician's valkyria i get to call dark magician girl! My turn isn't over yet!! I activate burning hell fire! I get to summon the Elemental HERO Burstinatrix! Then I activate the card fusion! I use it to fuse Burstinatrix and Dark magician girl! Appear From the deep fires of the volcano! Fire Enchantress! Now attack elemental hero clayman! Then I activate her ability which lets me attack again! Go fire enchantress!!"

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