Falling apart

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You were about to run away but you fell down to the ground. You hoped that the noise wasn't too loud for him to turn to her but unfortunately....

"A Human! "
he yelled as he turned to you

You quickly stood up and raised your duel disk

You slowly backed away from him.

You were scared from that DEMON but you tried to act brave

"and not just any human it's Y/N" it said and started getting closer

When it fully turned to you, your eyes widened as you realized who it was


You whispered under your breath as she nodded

"Where is Jaden and Jesse?.. Why are you doing all of this to us?!"

You cried as your back hit the wall of the cave that you were at


She yelled as tears slid down her cheeks, all of the sadness began to rise from her heart.

"Y/N help me find Jaden, and help me show him my love, you won't be able to escape so don't try anything foolish."

She said as she smirked and laughed. You tried escaping her grasp but was too late.

"NOOOOOOOOO" You screamed as she hit you with a trance, your eyes turned red. "Now, Where is the Queen Of Destruction?"

"Yes, Yubel" you said as you bowed down your head

"All you've got to do is bring me Jaden and I'll do the rest" she said then laughed evilly and you nodded

"I'll go finish some business while you bring me Jaden" she said then disappeared into nowhere

With Yubel...

"Aren't you planning on changing your mind about helping me with Jaden "

she said smirking as she was staring at Jesse who was desperately trying to keep awake as his power was drained

His hands were attached to the wall with chains and he looked like he hasn't slept for days

"I'm never going to join you into this, you're crazy "

he tried to force his voice to get louder as he was tired to even talk

Yubel can't make him work with her unless he agrees to do so since he's protected by his spirits from anything that she tries to do

Then Your voice popped in Yubel's head

"Jaden is with me, Yubel"

Then a smile creeped to her face.

"What if I told you that I've got Y/N and Jaden with me "

She said as Jesse's eyes widened

"let them go Yubel, what do you even want from us you caused too much pain for all of us... For Jaden"
Jesse cried out

"I want to help Jaden but I can't reach him on my own I need you Jesse, Don't you want to help Jaden like I want......I mean after all he's your best friend "

Jesse looked down and sighed desperately

"Fine I'll help you only for Jaden" he said as she smirked

With Y/N..

Ever since you were hit by that trance and you can't even feel what you're doing or saying

It felt like you were slowly losing control over yourself but looking at Jaden after you knocked him out cold, was making you feel guilty but you couldn't even stop yourself from doing it

Tears slide down your cheeks as your promises to Jaden echoing you and as your memories together flashing through your head

Then Dark Magician appeared beside you

"Y/N you've got to snap out of it you're strong enough you can do it my lady .... For Jaden"

You slowly felt the darkness vanishing off you and disappearing into nowhere

You quickly ran over to Jaden and tried to wake him up quickly

"Jaden.. Jaden... Baby wake up " you shook his shoulders as he slowly opened his eyes

"Y/N What's going on ?!"

"No time to explain, Jaden you have to get out of here "

"Not without you ''

"there's no time just leave I'll be fine.... I'm tough remember " You said and slightly smiled at him

"Okay take care baby" he said as he gave you a really tight hug then pulled away and ran out

'I have to face her and win.... I have to protect Jaden no matter what happens..... At any cost even if it's my life "

"Y/N Where are you?! "

You heard a voice but the strange thing was that it wasn't Yubel's voice it was a male voice but it sounded familiar to you .....


You though as you smiled a bit as he was going to save you

But soon enough that smile turned into a terrified expression as you saw him

You just looked into his eyes, they were scary it made you feel like your whole body was paralyzed you couldn't even move from where you was standing

"Where is Jaden, Doesn't he wanna welcome me" Jesse said as he smirked

"H-he escaped from me....I tried to catch up with him but I lost his trace"

Jesse grapped you harshly from your arm


"I-I'm so so-sorry he was too strong "

"No excuses when you're mistaken you get punished don't worry you won't be alone cause you've got accompany where you are going "

"Stay away from me " you said as you backed away.

With Jaden

Jaden POV

I don't even know what she meant but she sounded serious but I'm about to know.

But then I felt some kind of power blasting through my head and the last thing that I remember is that I was in the middle of the dark cold forest and then everything blacked out .

With Y/N..

You felt like your soul was ripped out of your body and got trapped into somewhere else.

You tiredly opened your eyes only to meet with Jesse but this time it was the real him.

He looked like he was completely drained out of all his energy .


You didn't know what to do he wasn't even responding to you.

After calling his name for what felt like forever he slowly began to wake up.

"I thought that I lost you forever " you said as tears filled your eyes.

"J-Jesse And...erson doesn't die hehe"his voice felt like he was whispering which made you feel bad for him even more.

His eyes were slowly closing again but you shook his shoulders quickly.

"Jesse please hang on."

'What am I supposed to do now.'

Thank you babe for helping me with this chapter❤️💙

I hope you enjoy this chapter!!❤️💕 -Stardustdrgxn

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