Into the Void

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You yawned as you opened your eyes, next to you, was a sleepy Jaden as he smiled as he dreamt. You smiled lightly as you petted his hair gently. "Jaden, I'm sorry for all of the things I've done. Please know I love you." He opened his eyes slowly and held your hand. "Y/N, Good morning, how did you sleep?"  You yawned once more and smiled, "I slept well, thank you."  You both got up out of bed and got ready to head to class, Professor Banner was missing and so was Jesse, "Y/N, somethings wrong.... I felt it in the air..." Winged kuriboh appeared by his side and so did Dark magician, " Mahad, Is something wrong?" He looked at you and sighed lightly, "Miss Y/N, something has gone wrong and upset the balance of the magic universe, Someone or something has corrupted the balance.. Also a portal has opened up. We need to stop it. " You quickly nodded and began to run towards the portal, Jaden's kuriboh was kooing slightly as they bother ran together.  You saw the portal in the distance, you stopped and wondered what it might do.

Hello wonderful people of wattpad! I have been busy recently, I'm now a 9th grader and I'm on vacation! I know this chapter is short but I'm working on it :3 please understand. - Yuukiro💕

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