author's note

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Hi everyone

First of all I would like to thank every and each one of you who ever read even one of the chapters of the book I wrote .

This book is really close to my heart and I am gonna tell you if you believe me or not this story was never altered at any point of time according to audience or readers choice was this story was there in my mind from start to the end . I knew what is going to happen next and it was not made up according to the situation.

So I would like to tell you that this marks the official ending of this book.

Yes I know you all might feel that how come this can be the ending there is so much that can be there but I am sorry this is what it was supposed to be from the beginning.

I hope you all loved the plot and I have tried my best to put efforts which I could.

I am not a writer by profession and I do not own any kind of experience I am a medical student who is working on her academics along with her few hobbies which she loves to do and one of them is writing.

In this book I have tried to depict what love means for me.

In this book I have not talked about what ideal love .

Love could could have different faces and emotions for different people here what i tried to explain is

When namjoon said
"I wish there was a word better than love"

Thank you everyone for being with me💜🥺

Last but not the least I have a surprise for you all soon 💜🎉

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