Chapter 33:

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I wasn't sure what that was about but I didn't overthink it. I sat out in the garden, the hot sun on my skin. I put my hand on my stomach and smiled at the little creature growing inside me. " I'll love you so much" I said to my baby. The sun got too hot and I walked inside.

As I walked past Aléx's office, I heard Federico scream at him " What is wrong with you?!" he said. I stepped closer to the door, placing my ear to it " Stop over reacting" Aléx said to him harshly " You did this on purpose, didn't you. You don't want to be a father. You got her pregnant to spite your father" Federico spat at him

" You don't know what your talking about" he said to him. I heard a loud crash and I burst into the office " Mary!" they both yelled " Stop it!" I screamed at them, Aléx's hand was bleeding and I saw a vase smashed on the floor. Federico walked out and I was left alone with Aléx. " What did you hear?" he asked me " It's not important" I said pulling him with me upstairs. I sat him on the bed and cleaned his hand. I placed a cloth on his hand and applied pressure, I put some alcohol onto it. I was surprised when he didn't wince I pain.

He grabbed my waist and moved me closer to him " I didn't want kids before I met you. But I changed my mind when I saw you with that little girl, the way your face glowed and your eyes widened. I wanted to feel and experience that with you. And this" he said placing his hand on my stomach " This will make us so happy" I kissed him and he hugged me tightly. " I love you, Mary" he said " Me, too" I said snuggling him.


My pregnancy started to show and I was so excited to meet my child. Amber said it was a boy because of the shape of my belly. Aléx had gone out for some work and I was alone in the house. I went into the drawing room and started to play the piano. I hummed and swayed my head. " Mary" a voice startled me " Do you have a minute?" I turned around to see Megan " Oh Megan. Yes of course. Come" we sat on the sofa and she turned to me, a worried expression on her face " Is everything okay?" I asked her, She swallowed and said " I think I'm pregnant" I chocked and looked at her " But I am to marry next month" he continued " Well that is great then?" I said trying to understand why she was so worried " The baby isn't my husband's" My eyes opened and I blinked at her rapidly " Who's is it?" I asked her " He lives next to my mother's house, our neighbor" I nodded and told her that it will be fine, she hugged me and left to continue her work.

I walked around the house when I looked outside and saw it was dark already Where is Aléx? I climbed into bed and slept. I woke up in the middle of the night, I turned to check if Aléx was next to me but I was still alone in my bed. I creeped out of my room. I saw a light coming from under Aléx's office. I opened the door slightly and I was horrified to the what was happening in front of me. I gasped and my hands started to shake. Two men were holding a knife to his throat and another man shuffling through the documents on his desk.

One of the men saw me and Aléx screamed for me to run. I ran out of the office and into the garden. The man was too fast, he caught up to me and slammed me to the floor, I fell onto my stomach and I felt a sharp pain. I began to cry and the man stopped when he saw I was pregnant. I felt a splatter of blood on my face and the man dropped to the floor. Aléx had his dagger in his hand, blood all over his body. He helped me up but I screamed in pain " The blood?" I asked him as he lifted me off the floor and running into the castle " It isn't mine" he said panting. I blacked out and I found my self on a bed.

I looked around and felt Aléx's hand on mine " Hey" he said softly, I smiled at him " How long have I been out?" I asked him " Three days" he said squeezing my hand " The baby?" I asked him, a tear rolling down my cheek. He shook his head and I burst into tears. He hugged me tightly, he cupped my face and held it tightly " Hey! Look at me. I promise you, I will give a dozen more babies if it's the last thing I do, okay?" he said to me, staring into my eyes. I nodded and gave him a smile. " I love you" I said to him " I love you" he said kissing my forehead and holding me tighter against him.

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