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kinda S t E a M y 🤸 ~

Rafe pushed me to the front of the house, where two motorcycles were parked. I couldn't shout for help or run, because then he and Barry would know where the Pogues were and it wasn't worth it. Barry slung his leg over his motorcycle and asked Rafe, "Something you wanna tell me, Country Club?" Barry nodded his head to me and smirked. His teeth were stained and there were a couple of metal ones. 

I shivered and tried walking away when Rafe grabbed my arm and pushed me to his motorcycle. I had never gone on a motorcycle before, but I walked to it and ran my hand over the seat. It was smooth and firm as I lifted my leg and put it over, while my hands pressed down on the seat. I knew Barry was staring at me the whole way. Rafe slipped his legs behind mine as I felt him lower himself behind me. His heat was overwhelming as he brought his arms around me and to the handles. His breath moved my hair from above. Rafe's chest was right on my back and it was so warm I could fall asleep. 

"Yeah," he turned his head to Barry. Barry looked at him with interest, but Rafe flipped him off and brought his hand back to the handle. Rafe twisted the handle and we were racing into the night. 

The wind blew across my face as Rafe's body shielded me. The machine under us was humming with energy as we whizzed under the curving trees. Even though the air was cold, I felt like I had a blanket over me. I lied against his heat and watched as everything blurred around me. I closed my eyes, listening to Rafe's heavy breathing above me and a cool wind blowing in my face. I felt something over my stomach and I looked down, my eyes half-closed. Rafe's arm was on me, holding me in place and pushing me closer to him, while his other was on the handle. As much as I wanted him to let me go, a small part of me wanted to just stay there. I felt Rafe's whisper above me, "Get up, we're here." 

I felt his arm push into me as he turned off the ignition. The cycle under us died immediately as his warmth disappeared from behind me. I heard his steps on the ground and I pulled my leg over the impressive height of the motorcycle. I followed Rafe to the house while staring at the shining moon and stars. I always wondered how people saw constellations, all I saw were splattered sparkling dots against darkness. 

Rafe suddenly stopped, causing me to bump into him. I looked up at him turning to me. His glittering blue eyes stared at my mouth and then flicked up to my eyes. I stepped back and stared at him, heat rushing to my cheeks. 

"Did anyone tell you how beautiful you are?" 

I looked away, afraid of the sparks in his eyes. This was Rafe Cameron -- a murderer, a criminal, a liar. Don't fall for him. "Stop, Rafe."

"You don't understand," he walked to me. His ringed fingers clutched my chin and forced me to look at him. His eyes were blazing as sweat rolled down his temple, "I can't."

"Rafe," I breathed and pulled away. I couldn't fall for his lies again. 

"I'm sorry." He pulled at his hair and didn't look at me.

We both hadn't forgotten what he had done. 

"I'm sorry, y/n."

"That's not going to change anything," I whispered and turned back to him, a lump forming in my throat. "That's why you asked if it was my first time right? Because it was a bet?"

"No..." Rafe shut his eyes. 

"I'm sick of the lies." Tears fell down my cheeks. "Tell me the truth, Rafe." I didn't know why I was punished for loving Rafe Cameron, who had never felt a single drop of kindness for anyone. 

His eyes flew open as he shouted at me, "The truth? I'll tell you the fucking truth. I've never felt this way and it scares me, like," he ran his hand through his hair, "so much. A-and I don't want to fuck it up like everything I do." He held my face, "The kiss was real, everything I did for you was real. I've fallen so damn hard for you and I don't think I can get up. You want the truth?" He paused and searched my eyes. "I fucking love you."

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