Chapter 3 - A Gift for You

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Chapter 3

"The Warriors?" Tooth quirked an eyebrow at the others. "Is it just me, or does that not sound like Pitch at all?"

"I wouldn't have thought that he would name his group something dark and sinister," Bunny stated with a shrug. The sand above Sandy's head formed a stamping horse. "Exactly! Name them after his little pets or something."

"It seems completely wrong, but it is true." Jack sat down on the top of one of the monitors surrounding the globe. "He and a few others were there and basically declared war on us."

"It was the Groundhog," Bunny groaned when North said this, "the leprechaun, the djinn of lightning, Pitch of course, and-"

"The spirit of Halloween, Trii Korteet," Jack interrupted. "Pitch is actually working with children now."

"Trii Korteet?" Tooth repeated. "I've heard of him, but I've never had the chance to meet him."

"short kid. Looks about twelve years old." Jack then smirked. "Great sense of humor."

"Great." Bunny rolled his eyes. "So we have another prankster on our hands now, do we?"

An image of five figures appeared above Sandy's head as he tugged on North's coat.

North sighed heavily. "Sandy is right. Ve need to get back onto topic."

Baby Tooth landed on Jack's shoulder. "Right. What are we going to do about these Warriors?" Jack asked, running a finger delicately over the top of Baby Tooth's head, causing her to coo in pleasure.

"It is bad enough that we have to deal with Pitch," Bunny hissed, "but now we have to deal with blokes like the Groundhog!"

"Aw. Does the kangaroo not like another giant rodent running around?" Jack teased. "Someone needs to learn how to play nice with others."

"Sod off."

Jack patted Bunny's head, as if he were a pet dog. "No way. What would your life be if I went around?"

Everyone became quiet and refused to even look in the snowy-haired boy's direction. Taking note of this, Jack's smile fell and a look of pure confusion took its place. "Okay. What is going on? You guys have been doing that since you came back from the past."

"it is nothing," Bunny muttered, staring down at his hand.

"It obviously is something." Jack flicked one of Bunny's ears, hoping to draw out a response from him. "I have almost died many other times before? You knew what he was trying to do when you went, so what happened that made you all like this?"

"It really isn't something ve vant to talk about, Jack," North stated.

Jack stared at him. "Guys?"

"Is this a bad time?"

The Guardians jumped at the voice, grabbing their weapons and spinning around to face the familiar shadow man. Pitch held up his hands in defense, smirking as he let his eyes trail over each of them.

"Worry not, dear friends," he cooed smoothly. "I am not here to fight, unless, of course, that is what you want."

"What are you here for, Pitch?" Bunny growled low in his throat.

Pitch opened his mouth to respond by was interrupted before he could even start.

"Pitchy and I are here ae here on a secret mission." Trii popped out from behind Pitch's robe. He grinned mischievously at the Guardians, missing the scowl on his leader's grey face. "That and I want to see Jacky again."

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