Chapter 13- Transformation

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Everything happened in a split second.

A pulsating light erupted from the orb as the wind picked up. Jack was forced to dig his staff into the earth in order to keep from toppling over. He was surprised at how well Trii was managing to stand up until he noticed that the boy seemed to be floating now, as if being held up by some sort of invisible force.

"W-What is happening?" Trii squeaked his eyes wide as more and more cracks formed on the orb in his hands.

"Isn't it obvious?" Both heads snap to the side, towards the sound of the voice. Pith smirked at them, rising up on the edge of the cliff upon tendrils of black sand. "You are doing just as you were meant to, Korteet."

"Pitch?" Trii closed his eyes tightly as his head throbbed. "W-What?"

Pitch laughed. "You really fell for every single word that I said. It was almost too easy. You are far too gullible for your own good, Korteet."

"What are you saying?" Trii groaned and curled in on the orb. "I-I don't understand."

"That is because you are a simple minded fool." Pitch smirked and came closer. "Now die."

"No," he groaned. "I can't let go of the orb. It won't let go! Someone! Help me!"

"Trii!" Jack shouted. He attempted to get closer, but was no match for the powerful wind. "Trii!"

"Aaaahhhh!" Trii screamed. Chunks of glass shot off of the orb, shattering into even smaller pieces as they journeyed farther from the orb.

Pitch's expression twisted. "What did you do?" he asked. "What have you done!?"

"What is happening?" Trii got no reply as the orb exploded into a sea of sand, the glass shard flying in every other direction. The sand enveloped him, tossing him around in the air this way and that and twisting his form. His mouth was agape in a silent scream.

"You broke it!" Pitch shouted. "You ruined everything!"

Trii was able to say a thing as the sand continued to attack him. Suddenly, its particles started to stick to his form. In a matter of seconds, he was a writhing white figure.

In another few seconds, the wind died down and Trii toppled to the ground.

"Trii?" Jack crept closer to the still form, his heart pounding away in his chest. He reached out his hand to touch the boy. "Trii?"

The scream that filled the air was the most heart wrenching sound that Jack had ever heard, and probably will ever hear.

Trii laid on the ground, twitching and jerking from side to side. He clawed at the ground. The tips of his fingers dug into the snow and remained there, stretching as the rest of his hand moved. His back curved unnaturally and his legs lengthened. He kept growing until he was about three times Jack's size. The sand faded away, revealing masses of tangled black fur.

"Trii," Jack whispered, covering his mouth with one hand as he stared down at the spirit of Halloween with wide eyes.

Trii pushed himself up, having trouble with his lengthier arms. Shaking his head in an attempt to make the headache go away, Trii took in the sight of his long claws and hairy arms. He opened his jaws wide at the sight and let out an inhuman roar.

"What done me?" he growled, scratching at his animalistic face. "Me monster. Made me monster!" Trii roared again.

"You are worthless like this," Pitch said with a scowl. "You weren't supposed to survive. You were supposed to die and disrupt time."

"How can you say hat? Look what you did to him!"

"Me?" Pitch smirked at Jack. "I believe it was you who did nothing to stop him. You should have tried harder. This is all on your head, Frost. You turned him into the monster that he really is."

Jack opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted as Trii roared and leapt off of the cliff, using his new strength to quickly disappear into the distance.

"Trii!" Jack called after him, but it was too late.

And when Jack turned around, Pitch was long gone.

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