Chapter 11- On The Edge

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Crumbling chunks of wall flew through the air, powered by the blast from the bomb. Jack lifted his staff above his head, knocking aside any stray pieces that came towards him as he slid outside. Thanks to the snow covering the ground ad force from the blast, Jack found himself sliding further and further away from the temple and closer and closer to the edge of the mountain they were on. Jack stabbed his staff into the ground, slowing down his decent until it came to a complete stop. Pieces of rumble slid pass him and fell right off of the mountain, falling into the abyss below.

"AH!" Trii shouted, scrambling to hold onto the edge of the mountain, dangling off the side. Releasing one hand, he reached into his "Treat" bag. He pulled out a large wad of bubblegum and shoved it in his mouth, chewing it rapidly as he tried to drag himself up a little more. Seeing as that wasn't getting him anywhere, he spit out the gum into his hand. "Extreme-Stick, don't fail me now!" He smacked the gum in his hand onto a part of the mountain not covered by snow. His grip with the other hand gave way and he found himself freefalling.

The gum stretched, its magically qualities holding him in place for a split second before snapping back up and shooting him over the edge again. Finding himself safe, he took in deep breathes of air as his heart pounded away in his chest.


Trii glanced up, spotting the Eternia Glass rolling to a sop in front of him. With his gummed hand, he picked it up. He was careful not to let his flesh directly touch it, for Tai's warning was still fresh in his mind, ringing ever so clearly.

"Trii!" Jack shouted, using the wind to carry him onto a soft spot on the ledge. "Be careful! Back away from the ledge slowly."

"That's right, Trii." Pitch appeared, causing both to jump in surprise. "One misstep and we might very well lose you for forever." The emotions behind his words seemed genuine, but Jack knew better than to trust a crying snake.  "I told you he would want to stop you; to stop us. His friends aren't far behind, though I am distracting them with some of my nightmares for now."

"Pitch!" Trii shouted, drawing the orb closer to himself without touching it. "Is it true? Were you lying to me?"

Pitch put on his pitiful expression again. "Of course I wouldn't lie to you, Trii. I tried to stop him, I did. I only wish that I had the power to stop him before he could..."

Trii's brow scrunched as he gave Pitch his undivided attention. "Before he could do what, Pitch?"

Pitch forced tears into his eyes. He even allowed for one to trail down his cheek. He reached a hand into his pocket and pulled out a chunk of bone. "I couldn't save Ribcage." He put the bone gently on the ground in front of him, treating it tenderly as Trii's eyes followed his every movement.

Trii's hand traveled up to his dark tresses, rasping them tight in his fist before letting out a heartfelt scream.

Since this is such a short chapter, I will be updating this story again in a couple of days. I also want to say that, while I do plan to write at least one more stories in this series, I do have another fanfiction idea that I want to get out. As soon as "Fall of the Guardians" is done, I will be working on that new idea as oppose to the next Rise of the Guardians fanfiction. But fear not, my readers, for I will divide my attention between the two.

By the way, the idea that I have is a Nightmare Before Christmas fanfiction. Much like the book "Wicked", I will tell the tale of Oogie Boogie before the events of the movie. Be sure to be on the watch for that after this story is finished, if you are interested, that is.

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