Chapter 6 - Betrayed

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“Looks like everyone is asleep,” Jack whispered as he and Trii crept through the hallway.

“Except for that yeti that you froze!” Trii laughed. “That was awesome.”

Jack scratched his head nervously. “That would be Phil and he will not be happy with me s

“What does it matter?” Trii patted him on the back. “You aren’t with them anymore. Now you are on the good side; with us.”

“Y-Yeah.” Jack forced a smile upon his face. “So how did Pitch win you over?”

Trii shrugged. “One day, one of his nightmares tracked me down and gave me an invitation to come to his castle. Before then, I had never even seen Pitch. Then there he was. A fellow lost soul, trying desperately to get the one thing that we all strive for.”

“And what is that exactly?”

“The same thing that you wanted,” the younger boy explained. “To be loved.”

“Are you sure that is what Pitch really wants?” Jack inquired, entering the Globe Room. “Are you sure that his intentions are good?”

Trii chuckled hollowly. “Of course. He may look like the bad guy on the outside, but on the inside, he just wants the love and affection of children everywhere”

Jack snorted. “How can you love the Boogeyman?” he muttered under his breath.

Trii froze, mid-step. “The same way that you can love a giant rabbit or a fairy that takes your teeth. The same way that one would love anyone.” Trii crossed his arms over his chest. “He didn’t choose to be the Boogeyman, just like you didn’t choose to be Jack Frost. We were doomed from the start of our second lives to be alone just because of what the Man on the Moon decided. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do. I love making people happy and giving out tricks and treats, but I don’t like being seen as scary and then left to rot.”

“I didn’t mean it like that, Trii. I just…” Jack sighed, running a hand through his bangs. “I’m sorry. Let’s get this thing already.”

“Okay,” Trii whispered back, following Jack once more. Seeing that the boy’s mood was not returning to its once elated high, Jack stopped and put his hands on Trii’s shoulders, kneeling down to look him in the eyes.

“Don’t take what I said to heart, Trii,” Jack said. “There were people who once said the same thing about me. They saw me as nothing more than a nuisance and now look at me! I have people who can see me, believe in me, and I have some pretty great friends. There is no doubt in my mind that you can have that too.”

Trii grinned. “Thanks, Jack. Coming from you, I know that everything will be alright in the end.” The spirit of Halloween then smirked. “Do you think that we could set up some booby-traps around here? I can set something up to superglue feathers to the yetis and elves.”

The image of such a sight flashed through Jack’s mind, causing him to cover his mouth in order to contain his growing laughter. Perhaps, after all of this mess was over, he and Trii could meet up for some serious pranking. That is… if Trii ever wanted to see him again after the truth was revealed.

“Shhhh.” Jack held a finger up to his pale lips. “We just need to get it and get out. Then we can meet up with the others.”

Trii nodded and pretended to zip and throw away the key to his lips. Smiling, Jack turned away from him and continued to tip toe across the dim room. Trii was right about to follow after the older boy when something caught his attention, causing his heart to plummet into his stomache.

“There it is, Trii.” Jack turned his head to peer at Trii, a bright smile gracing his features. The smile instantly fell at the sight of the boy holding a small black box with orange trimmings. Trii stared up at him, confusion, and something else, evident in his face.

“You never opened it,” he whispered, shaking his head. “If you never saw it, then why did you…” Trii let himself trail off, his eyes widening and becoming moist with fresh tears as his lips pursed.

“Trii,” Jack said as he took a step towards him, “It’s not what you think.”

“I think it’s exactly what I think!” Trii shouted. Jack flinched at the volume. “You lied to us; to me! You didn’t join us because you wanted the same thing. You are just like the rest of those Guardians! I trusted you!”

“Trii.” Jack bit his lip. “You don’t understand.”

“No. I understand perfectly.” Trii glanced down at the box in his hands, his face twisting into a scowl. He suddenly lifted it above his head, tugging on the ribbon. “Take your stupid truth and stay away from me!” He threw the box, it’s ribbon and lid coming off as it flew through the air.

Jack lifted his hands on reflex, catching the parcel before it could crash into his face. Suddenly, the world tilted to the left and he felt himself fall to the ground. The last thing he saw was Trii’s retreating back before everything went dark.

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