Prologue: How It Began

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My life has always been different, even the way I was conceived. Apparently, my mother, Juani and father, Anthony have been trying to have a child with no success since the day they have lost a daughter to sickness and it have been in great despair. One day, they had taken my older brother Kristoph to the beach and they watched their son play, what they didn't know is that they were being watched. I don't want to get into the gritty details but lets just say my father isn't my actually biological father, it happens that my father is a god. He had morphed to look like my father and conceived me with my mother, so I look like my father but my blood is half god. During my mother's pregnancy the god had told them what he had done but there was nothing they could do.

Now, I am the only one of my kind where I'm from...oh yeah I'm from the little island of Jamaica. I found out all this as turned 12 when we were at the beach. I was drawn to the sea and was overly curious to a white light shinning in the water and I just kept walking towards it. My parents tried to get me but I was too far gone in the water, they called out to me and I was about to go back to them when something pulled me deep in the water. I trashed around as I freaked out as we raced through the water but then I realized that I could breathe.

"Please stop!" I cried at the figure that pulled at my foot.

The figure had finally stopped and left me go after we were about a mile from the shore then the figure began to transform into a beautiful woman in a flow white dress, prefect skin and dark hair. I was at awe at the woman's beauty then I remembered that I was under water and away from my family.

"I have waited years to finally meet you, Joanna Jordan." She said finally.

"How do you know my name? How is it possible that I'm breathing and talking under water? Who are you?" I asked question after question. I trying to keep my cool but I was super freaked that I'm pretty sure I piss myself...I guess it's okay since I was under water. Sorry not sorry.

"I am Amphitrite, wife of Poseidon, god of the sea and your step-mother." Amphitrite said and that's when I lost my shit and started to pace...I don't know how you pace in water but I was doing it.

"P-Poseidon's step-mother...b-but that means...oh god no." I said as I paced around and I felt my chest tighten. "T-That means Poseidon is my f-father."

"Yes. Jo-" She started but I cut her off.

"No!" I yelled holding up my hand. "This can't be. I look like my parents, you must be mistaken."

"There is no mistake Joanna. You are my husband's daughter. He claimed you the day you were born but as promised to your parents, he would wait until you were old enough to let you know." Amphitrite said then my head began to spin and didn't know what to do, I wanted to cry but that would even make sense under water.

"I want to go back to my family, please." I begged and the goddess of the sea sighed before nodded.

"Okay. However, you must know, Poseidon request a audience with you tomorrow." She said before stretching out her hand for me to take which I did. We swam at great speed through the water and before I knew it we were back at the beach. "I will be back tomorrow to take you to him." Then she was gone.

I quickly swan to shore were my dad and brother stood with my crying mother as they waited on my arrival.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I yelled as I ran towards them. My dad engulfed me in a tight hug and I started to cry. "P-Please tell me it's n-not true." I begged as I clung to him.

"I'm so sorry baby." He said and I pulled back to look at him. I felt betrayed.

"We should talk about this at home." My mom said she rubbed my back and I nodded.

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