Chapter Two: The Journey

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It's the crack of dawn and I was on my way to the beach, my dad driving, my mom right beside him as she held his hand, my brother beside me playing with the bracelet I made him and my bag in the back. I was actually leaving my family and I wasn't scared but sad that I was leaving them behind. I was wearing a blue sleeveless t-shirt, khaki short pants and black & white converse; everything else I needed with in my bag ready to go. When we got to the beach my family and We walk to the shore to say our last goodbyes until the end of the Summer. We entered the water and before I emerged I took one last look at my family with a great sigh then went under. I swam to where I was to meet Karsh and Roxana with them was my step-mother and half-brother, Amphitrite and Triton.

"Good morning." I said as I got closer to them. "This is it. Off I go."

"You'll do fine, young demigod." Amphitrite said running her hand through my natural twist hair.

"Father sends his regards." Triton said resting his hand on my shoulder. "So, your ride to Long Island." He whistled and something raced towards us. It was colourful creature with the upper body of a horse and the lower half body of a fish.

"It's a Hippocampus." I said as the creature came closer to me, she was beautiful.

"She will take you to Long Island." Amphitrite said petting the creature. "Try not to take too many stops. The monsters will sniff you out once you reach land, so be careful."

"I will." I said before straddling the sea-horse. "Well this is goodbye for now." I waved to them once more. "Let's go."

After that we off and it was an wonderful experience riding her. We rode for a couple hours, after passing the Bahamas I could tell that Hippocampus was getting tired and I could tell we were coming up to the shores of Miami Beach.

"Let's stop so you can rest for a few hours while I get some food." I said to the hippocampus, who neighed in answer but I can understand her. 'that's a good idea'. Maybe I should give her a name. "How about I name you? Belle. Do you like that?" I asked and she nodded happily. "Good. Now, go rest and I'll be back soon." I unsaddled the sea-horse and swam to shore. The beach was packed, I expected as much since it was Summer and I was being stared at. I guess that's what I get when mortals see someone emerged for the sea chip-dry. I made my way off the beach and to the sidewalk to see where I could buy some food and to be honest all these places look super expensive and my parents could get me a few hundred dollars. However, I found this a colourful diner called Señor Frog’s. I looked at the clock and it was 12:30pm

"Welcome to Señor Frog’s. Is it just you, honey?" A woman said coming up to me.

"Yes just me but I'm not staying." I said and she noddedthen handed me a menu. I quickly looked through the menu and found a quick meal. "I'll have the chicken quesadilla and a large sprite."

"Sure thing, honey." She said and left the make the order and came back with the bill. "That's $15.50." I gave her the exact change.

"Where is the restroom?" I asked and she pointed in the direction I needed to go. After I finished using the bathroom a little old lady stumbled in. "You alright there lady?"

"Just fine, my dear." I said and she gripped onto my arms for support but her nails dug into my skin. "Oh I'm perfectly fine, Joanna Jordan, daughter of Poseidon." Her voice and face started to change.

"Let go of me!" I yelled as I tried to get up of her grasp.

Darn it, the woman is a Fury. I rolled to me back as I pushed my knees between me and the Fury as I try to push it away from me. She was strong but I'm stronger, I pulled the water from the pipes and slowed down the molecules to create ice and stabbed the Fury in the side. It released me which gave me time to roll away and get my trident from my pocket.

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