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The morning had come and Stephen swore he had the best sleep he had for a long time

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The morning had come and Stephen swore he had the best sleep he had for a long time. It was today that he was going to be taught the very thing that brought back Jonathan Pangborn's ability to walk again. He'll be able to go back to the operating room and help the people, in other words, he would have his old life back and he was so eager to do it.

After a quick shower, Stephen had changed into the clothes that Lenore had given him last night. He was surprised that it fit him. He walked out of his room and closed his doors behind him. It was when he saw motion from his peripheral that made him turn his head to find out who it was. Lenore was just coming out of her room, which was just a couple of doors down from his.

She wore the same colored robe she wore yesterday. It didn't take long for him to realize the look on her gave, she seemed to be troubled by something and she looked like she was questioning herself. He wanted to approach her and help her but opted not to, she looked stressed enough as it is.

Stephen took the same path Lenore had walked through, following her until they reached the training grounds where he could see the other students. Some were dressed in the same color as he did, some were different. Lenore stood in front and the troubled look on her face changed instantly, replaced by a smile that seemed beloved by all. But Stephen could tell she was feigning it, because he could see the distress in her eyes.

But she was so professional, not allowing her personal feelings to get in the way of teaching them. But still, even though he only had met her yesterday, he felt an overwhelming concern for the woman.

A tap on his shoulder made him draw his attention away from Lenore. Looking behind him, another sorcerer stood and beckoned Stephen to follow him in which he did. The student led him to the Ancient One's room; where he first met her. Instead of her white robes, she was wearing darker ones.

Stephen thanked the student that brought him to the room before he looked back at the Ancient One, only realizing at that moment that she was on the ground, meditating. It took her a few seconds before she heaved a deep breath and gently released it through her nose.

"Ah! Mister Strange. Finally, " she gestured in front of her

"The language of the mystic arts is as old as civilization. The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language "spells". But if that word offends your modern sensibilities, you can call it "program". " The Ancient One explained, keeping a straight face. Stephen and the Ancient One kneeled across one another.

"The source code that shapes reality." she continued as she lifted her hands, moving in a slow, graceful motion to create a square made out of yellow energy. From there, as the square shifted its shape, beautiful patterns and smaller circles." We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the multiverse, to cast spells, conjure shields and weapons to make magic."

As she finished, she pushed her hands abruptly. Sending the pattern she created towards Stephen before it gradually disappeared out of thin air. Stephen was in awe, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"Even if my fingers could do that, my hands would just be waving in the air." Stephen lifted his arms, looking at his quivering hands.

"I mean, how do I get from here to there?"

"How did you get to reattach severed nerves and out a human spine back together, bone by bone?" the Ancient One asked, tilting her head to the side for a bit.

"Study and practice, years of it."

The Ancient One smiled as she nodded in response.


"That's all for today." Lenore dismissed the class with the students giving bowing to her before they left and went about their business. As she went to tuck her sling ring onto her robe, someone who was walking out of the building caught her eye. Dressed in a mix of white and light blue, Stephen walked aimlessly, seemingly looking for something.

Curious as to what the man was looking for, Lenore approached him. but soon regretted it when Stephen had seen her. Lenore's body went rigid as Stephen began approaching her.

She cleared her throat, "Seems like you are looking for something, Mister Strange."

"Yes actually." Stephen looked down at Lenore, chuckling nervously as he let her gaze, I was looking for the library but since it's my first day here I didn't know where to look so."

Lenore hummed, looking down to see that he was holding a small piece of paper. When Lenore asked to see it, Stephen handed it over quickly.

"Key of Solomon...Astronomia Nova..." she nodded as she looked up at Stephen, "Four books huh? You're one dedicated student."

She handed back the paper to Stephen and took it upon herself to show Stephen the way to the library. They didn't exchange words, even before felt awkward in his presence, especially after she remembered how much of an idiot she acted last night. But after looking over at Stephen, he looked like it didn't matter much to him.

"We're here." she took one step inside the room, knocking on the door. "Wong? Are you here?"

Her question hung in the air, no one was inside the library. She shrugged her shoulders and asked Stephen to follow her. She asked for the paper again before leading him deeper into the library.

"There are a lot of books in here," Stephen remarked, following Lenore and eyeing the rows of books in front of him. He looked at the rows of chained books on display on the other side of the room, one book had a faint orange glow.

"Do you need any help?" he asked as he turned to where Lenore was standing, only to find that she was already gone. It was quiet in the library, he could only hear her murmuring incoherent words. He spun around, searching for Lenore, until he felt a light slap on his back. He whirled around and there she was, holding the book against his chest while he attention was to the paper on her hand.

"That's so sweet of you, Stephen but no thank you, " she finally looked up, beaming at Stephen, "But I know this library the like back of my hand."

Before Stephen could insist, Lenore had already walked away, retrieving the rest of the books he needed. When she came back, she had them tucked around her right arm, she glanced between the list and the books in her arm to make sure she had all them correctly before setting the books down on the table.

"Here you go." she said, "I'll just tell Wong you took these out."

"Thank you, Lenore." Stephn picked them all up and tucked it under his arms.

"Always welcome, Stephen." she glanced down, sighing awkwardly as she turned around to leave.

𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘴 ۞ 𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚Where stories live. Discover now