Im ok

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(Third Person POV)
As you would guess Kenma and Shoyo are pretty well known. I mean one of them is a streamer with 10 million followers and runs bouncing ball corp and the other is a famous volleyball player so yea their names get around, but their relationships? Is completely unknown. The closest people have gotten to revealing any of their relationships is when Shoyo will check in on Kenma and give him water, food etc every now and then on stream. But Kenma has a mic that's over 200 dollars so you can't really hear any background noise so it's hard for people to tell it's Shoyo. The second time they almost got caught is when someone posted a video online of Shoyo getting into a car with extremely blacked out windows so no one could see Kenma. And they never say anything about them being in a relationship at all really.

At a interview
"So Hinata there is one question the public has been dying to know!" The interviewer asked. "Uh ok sure hit me!" Shoyo says in his usual happy loud tone. "Ok well people have been wanting to know if you have a partner?" "O-oh sorry but that's personal information heh" Shoyo says giving a awkward smile. "Oh well there you have it folks"

So when Kenma and Shoyo go out together or by themselves to avoid paparazzi and random people taking pictures of them they always have a mask and sunglasses on when they go out. So when there was a picture posted of Kenma and Shoyo kissing in a ally way it got very very popular very very fast.

Kenma woke up and realized he woke up late because of the clock on his and Shoyo's table he quickly gets dressed, puts on a hoodie, and heads to his streaming room but not before he gives Shoyo a good morning kiss. Kenma starts playing with the webcam and setting up stream until he noticed his phone blowing up but he just ignores it for now.

                     [STREAM STARTED]

"Hey guys welcome to or welcome back to my stream I'm kodzuken and today I'll be playing-... check Instagram? Why do you guys want me to check Instagram?"  Kenma questions before grabbing his phone and seeing all the things his friends texted him, but he ignores it at first and checks Instagram and sees he was @ in more then 10000 posts. He checks and sees a photo of him and Shoyo kissing and the post almost has 1M likes in less then 10 hours. "Oh my god." Kenma mutters while getting anxious.

SociallyAnti: Yea "oh my god" What the heck!
Kenma'sGf1: Ew he's dating a boy gross
PurpleElextricity: I feel so bad for Kenma
Adam123456: gay

The chat had very mixed emotions about the situation but that was the least of kenmas concerns. In a panic Kenma quickly ended stream and ran to his and Shoyo's room. Kenma flops on the bed breathing heavy and that causes Shoyo to wake up. "Hm... Kenma what's wrong...?" Shoyo says with a tired voice. "Shoyo....I'm so sorry" "wait for what?" "Check your phone" Shoyo checks his phone and is surprised by the amount of notifications he has. He opens Instagram and sees the exact same picture Kenma saw. "Shoyo I'm sorry! You will probably loose followers because of me I'm sorry I wasn't more careful I-" suddenly Kenma was cut off with Shoyo's soft lips. "It's ok Kenma's they were going to find out eventually and I don't mind if I lose followers as long as I have you I'm ok!"  "That's a relief" Kenma whispers before leaning more and more into Shoyo's touch

(622 words)

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