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(Hello yes i'm doing another interview chapter this one isn't going to be as long as the other but i just thought this would be a cool concept ANYWAY- onto the story :)

(Third Person POV)
It's currently 12:30 am and Kenma, Kuroo, Akaashi, Bokuto, Atsumu and Sakusa are driving home well Kuroos the one driving but still. There all talking about random topics starting little arguments every now and then that end playfully when Kenma gets a phone call. (Kenma's in the passenger seat btw.) "Who is it?" Kuroo asks being nebby. "Why do you want to know?" Kenma says slightly annoyed and tipsy. "Kenma don't be rude." Akaashi ads nodding off. "Fineee it's.....Shoyo" Kenma said taking a little long to answer because he didn't see the caller ID yet. "Ooo! I wonder how his interview went." Atsumu and Bokuto add while Sakusa wonders how they both always end up saying things at the same time. Kenma answers the phone and puts it on speaker. "Hey Shoyo what's up?" Kenma says kinda in his own world until he hears the sounds of faint crying. Now at this point everyone in the cars attention is to Kenma's phone. "When do you think you'll be home..?" Shoyo says his words breaking a little bit as he speaks. "Probably 20 minutes but hey what happened are you ok?" Kenma asks with a lot of concern in his voice because Shoyo rarely cry's compared to Kenma. Unless he's stressed or frustrated Shoyo rarely cry's. He's the type to push his emotions down and not tell anyone because he feels like he's bothering them. "Well my interview went fucking horrible he said so much stuff and since it was live and being recorded and posted right after the interview ended now everyone's going to spread stuff and i don't know what to do-" "Shoyo, love please slow down I can't understand you.." Kenma said trying to calm down his boyfriend. "Just look at one of the videos I sent you any of them will explain enough just tell me when your home..i love you" Shoyo says hanging up before his boyfriend can reply. "What videos did he send you?" Sakusa asks curious and concerned. "I don't know but I think it's about his interview. (For context in my au? i guess, Shoyo wears both feminine and masculine clothing he thinks clothing doesn't have a gender so he tends to switch up his style and with this interview he was wearing a nude blazer with a light blue short sleeve crop top and high wasted nude dress pants btw) Kenma propped up his phone and put it on full volume so everyone can hear and see. He clicked on one of the video's. It started out on a black screen with white letters reading " Kenji Suzuki (Interviewers name) making Shoyo Hinata uncomfortable and being plane rude"
"Uncomfortable and rude? what did he say?" Akaashi wondered aloud. Everyone wasn't liking how this video already started without even seeing Shoyo's interview yet but Kenma was very irritated already thinking of the worst the interviewer could do to Shoyo while on live television. The video showed Shoyo and Kenji sitting on different couches with tables separating them. Kenji had sleek black hair, it was slicked back and he had a nice dress suit on.
"So Hinata, This is a big topic about you that's always talked about when people see you appear any where." Kenji says making eye contact with Shoyo slightly smiling. "What is if?" Shoyo asks slightly curious. "Well your outfits, a lot of people say they depend on your mood, some say there very fashionable but how do you decide i mean me personally-" Kenma wasn't really seeing anything anything wrong so far no one else in the car is either he's hoping people are just exaggerating what this guy di- "For a man your outfits are kinda slutty huh?" Kenji adds to the end of his statement. Shoyo's eyes widen and so does every else's. Kenma immediately was filled with anger. He hated people talking about Shoyo in rude way of course he would it's his soon to be husband we're talking about. "Is a interviewer seriously talking to people like that?!" Kuroo says very irritated because he cares about Shoyo he's his friend, everyone in the car cares about him. "O-oh well I wouldn't say my clothes are "slutty" I don't get why you would consider them that either." Shoyo says putting on his jacket while taking that was previously laying limp on the couch next to him. "Aw come on you know I didn't mean it "that way" Kenji says while laughing pissing off everyone in the car even more. "How could you mean it in any other wa-"
"Anyways..another thing with your outfits, How is your relationship going with famous youtuber and CEO of bouncy ball corp. Kenma Kozume?" Kenji says cutting off Shoyo in the process. He asked about me? Kenma wonders to himself. "Oh !well we're actually looking at venue's to get married at." Shoyo says with a smile, happy to talk about Kenma. This makes Kenma blush until Kenji has to ask another question. "Really?!" He says surprised like he didn't even know they were dating. "Yup! Is it that surprising?" Shoyo asks scratching his head awkwardly. "No! no just people have been saying because of how you dress your trying to "get attention from other men" Is that true?" Shoyo again gets very uncomfortable with this and crosses his leg, on bouncy because he is saying this on live TV. "I really feel like he's stepping over his boundaries asking these questions." Akaashi says, already over this interview. "Well I wear my outfits for myself and I love Kenma and also don't you think these question are a little to personal-" "Well people say this because on videos or livestreams Kenma does it seems very one sided doesn't it?" Kenji asks. This annoyed Kenma even more because he hated PDA but he could bare it a little with Shoyo. "He's really talking about your guy's relationship when he barely know you?" "This guys an asshole.." Kuroo and Sakusa add. "Oh well Kenma really doesn't like PDA and he tries to show me affection as much as he can and i respect him and don't want to make him uncomfortable and the fact that someone like you has the audacity to comment on my relationship and say stuff like us not living eachother on LIVE tv when we both barely know eachother is just plain disrespect- can we go on a commercial break?" Shoyo asks the people behind the camera before Kenji grabs his hand and puts it down and then the video fades out. There's a black screen again and it reads "Kenji Suzuki has a past of SA women, men and children. His interviews are known to make his guests uncomfortable and angry. Interviewers are meant to make there guests comfortable and have a safe place to answer questions and share their experiences on certain topics. Interviewers choose questions that aren't personal or supposed to make their guests uncomfortable. Personally I think Kenji shouldn't have a platform and a show at that. He kept cutting off Hinata and not giving him space to speak. I hope that Hinata is ok <3"
There was silence in the car until Kenma spoke up and asked. "Can we go? I don't want to leave Shoyo alone for to long.." "Hm? oh yea sure.." Kuroo said turning the car on again.
Kenma arrived home and everyone said goodbye. They waited until Kenma got in the house and they could see through the window a figure walk up to Kenma and hug him.

"It's ok Shoyo....no one's going to start any rumors or anything I promise.." Kenma said softly kisses Shoyo's neck and Shoyo nodded and they stayed like that till Shoyo calmed down.

(1331 words)

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