You are nothing

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Skyler's POV

My mind goes blank as I stand there in silence, not knowing what to do or say

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My mind goes blank as I stand there in silence, not knowing what to do or say. Not a word is uttered, it was as if everyone knew this would blow up. I glance down at my shoes before bringing my face to meet Klaus' eyes. He watches me cautiously as he looks for a sign of forgiveness in me, a sign of emotion but he saw nothing. I was just blank, emotionless.

"Skyler- please listen I-" Klaus tries as he carefully steps closer towards me.

"No. You don't get a say in this. You know, all my life I never thought you would be the one begging for my mercy. The one to hurt me most." I scoffed in disbelief but my tone sounded smooth. No pauses, no stutters, a steady rhythm.


"But I guess you never truly know a person's true nature. It's all fun and games until they rip that away from you. I used to believe there was an ounce of human in you but all I see now is a pathetic little boy screaming to be loved. I can't believe I never saw it before. I guess what they say is true, love makes you blind. So blind that you can't see beneath the cracks of someone, the tiny details which makes them unlovable. Worthless. An abomination." I feel my eyes slowly start to turn black as I speak. My voice was deep, focused and filled with pure lust for hatred. The man I once knew slipped between my fingers without me realising.

"You make me sick, you broke our vow. Our wedding vow. Over a stupid little girl." I utter as poison starts to run through my veins.

"Does this ring mean nothing to you?" I question whilst holding my left hand up. I didn't even let him answer before throwing the ring onto the ground, just by his feet.

"You were a mistake, I should have never let you in because after all, people like you just don't know how to treat a woman. You know, I find it funny, there was Ryan who broke my heart and abused me in ways you couldn't imagine and now there's you. A boy who does the exact same. You don't deserve to live up to the title of being a man. You brought me into this world of vampires, wolves and witches and I am the one that will best you in the end. You wanted to desperately be the king of New Orleans. To gain the loyalty of others? When you don't even share any of yours. Why should we respect you if you never respect us? A king earns his title, you are nothing. You never earned anything, you're just a coward." I slip out, unaware of the tears being brought to his face. I don't even recognise myself, I feel myself slip deeper and deeper into darkness. It's like somebody  else took over me. Someone darker. Someone dangerous. Someone more powerful powerful.

"You talk about paranoia and how you hate to see people leave you. Well, Klaus, you drive people away without blinking twice." I spit out in fury as I take a few steps closer to him.

"Skyler- I didn't mean to- It was a moment of weakness, it happened once and then another-" Klaus chokes out as he struggles to speak.

I wave hits me as my head shakes out of hatred for a split second. "How many times? How many times did you have sex with her?!" I demand in my normal voice. My voice laces around in agony awaiting for him to speak up.

"Only once-"

"Liar!" I scream as my hand makes a swift movement across his face. He touches his cheek in pain before speaking but I interrupt him once more. "I swear to god Klaus, if you don't tell me the truth, I will climb into your brain and get the information out for myself."

"Eleven.. eleven times." He cries out in hesitation.

"Eleven? Eleven fucking times? So once wasn't enough for you to realise you were doing the wrong thing?!" I exclaim in his face as he flinches at my tone.

I step back before speaking once more. "You make me sick. I never want to see your face again! Get out!" I demand as I point to the exit.

I watch Stefan and Damon escort Klaus outside before I quiver in pain. I hold back the tears and walk off in the other direction.

I walk into the living room to see that both Heath and Everest were sleeping peacefully. I relax instantly as I see their calm faces. Elijah must've brought them in here. Speaking of the devil, I then hear him rushing into the room after me.

"Skyler- are you okay?" He asks with his voice laced in complete concern.

"No, I'm not." I say honestly before Elijah embraces me into a warm hug. I feel his hand pressing my head into his chest as he kisses the top of my head lovingly.

After a few seconds, Elijah breaks up the moment between us. "That didn't sound like you back there- I know you, even when you're hurt, you would never say those things to my brother."

"What are you talking about?" I ask but before Elijah can answer my question, Rebekah comes rushing in.

"I know you're upset and all. Believe me, I am also disgusted by my obnoxious brother's behaviour but I believe I know a way to channel your anger." Rebekah argues as I listen intensely.

"Silas captured Dahlia, we never killed her because well we didn't know how and we wanted to give you the satisfaction of killing her." Rebekah informs me as I my stance tenses.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Elijah interjects but I shake my head in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? You've been training me on archery for what? For fun? All this training was leading up to this moment, I'm ready to kill that bitch." I argue back at Elijah in shock because he wasn't on my side.

"I am aware of that Sky but you're not yourself. You can't just kill her." Elijah objects.

"Watch me." I state as I walk off in pure anger. What on Earth does he mean I'm not myself?! Besides, I need a way to channel my anger before I lash out on Klaus who was still the father of my children.

"Silas?!" I shout out into the compound.


"Show me where Dahlia is." I command immediately.

"Follow me." He replies as he tilts his head towards the exit.

I quickly grab my bow and the quiver which were places on the floor before following Silas and Yasmine out of the compound.

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