The bond that is family

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Yasmine's POV

I stroll into the cave just as Dad begins leaving

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I stroll into the cave just as Dad begins leaving. Sky is still staring at a book in the middle of the cave when Dad pulls me into a fierce hug.

"I am so proud of you, Yasmine. You did great." He whispers into my ear and I hug him back tightly. I busk in the warmth and safety his arms offer me before he pulls away with a smile where his pride is evident.

"Go speak to her." He gestures at her and presses his lips to my forehead before leaving me alone. I sit down next to her and release a huge sigh.

"Are you mad at me? About everything with Klaus?" I go straight to the elephant in the room since there is no point beating around the bush.

She shakes her head and leans back against the cold wall. "No. You did what you had to do, you know? I know that you will never do anything to hurt me."

"You know it." I confirm truthfully, feeling my heart swell. "I was scared earlier. I thought the Devil took you."

"I was too but thank you. You truly are a blessing. Thank you for being the best friend and sister a girl could ever ask for." She grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. I smile warmly and pull her into a tight but fierce hug.

"I'll love you forever even though you tried to kill me." I whisper with a cheeky smirk and she pulls away with a matching smirk.

"I love you. So I guess we are even."

I laugh loudly at her statement and help her to her feet.

"Oh by the way? Totally loved that Aurora kill. Executed it perfectly, exactly how I would have done it." Her smirk widens and I chuckle, shaking my head in amusement.

"Hey, I had to do you proud." I shrug and she shoves my arm playfully.

"Will you be around?"

I nod, "for a few weeks to help you around but then I will be taking off. I need a break."

"Of course. Thanks for everything, Yasmine." Skyler says, the sincerity ringing in her voice as she pulls me into another hug.

"Anything for you, sis." With that, I pull away, leaving her with her thoughts and diary when I see Klaus waiting outside. He halts in his tracks and his eyes widen upon seeing my disheveled state.

"Yasmine-" He begins but I cut him off.

"You are a fucking manipulative bastard and I can't believe you abused my trust in you and used me like a fucking tool." I interject and his body grows limp as his eyes shine with guilt and remorse.

"I am so sorry, Yasmine." He states and I raise my hand to stop him in his sentence.

"No, keep that apology. I might forgive you down the road but not now and I sure as hell will never ever trust you again. Goodbye, Klaus." I walk away towards the entrance of the forest where I see Dad, Stefan and Damon wait around.

I run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to make myself presentable when I feel a familiar pair of lips crash against mine. My eyes widen but instantly slip shut and my body relaxes as I wrap my arms around Damon's body. Our lips move passionately and perfectly in sync as his other hand caresses my cheek gently.

"Fuck, I was so so fucking worried babe. Fuck." He lets out a small groan as he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.

"I'm here now, babe." I smile gently and peck his lips before I pull away to face Stefan and Dad.

"Alright, bring it in everyone." I grin widely and the four of us hug each other tightly before pulling away. The four of us have become an unlikely family - Stefan being the brother I've never had, Damon being the best boyfriend a girl could ever dream of and Dad being the last piece to complete us with his lame Dad jokes and protectiveness that showcase his intense love for us.

"I love you guys." I say sincerely as Dad pulls me into another fierce hug.

"I say, we take another trip around the world. We honestly need it and this time, I only want to visit the beaches." I announce once again when Dad pulls away.

Stefan chuckles and shakes his head. "Of course, princess. Whatever you wish for, am I right?"

"Uhm, hell yes." I smirk and with that, the four of us begin a new journey for us.

A journey of an unseemingly complete family finally realizing that there is family means everything.

Blood related or not, your family will forever be with you till the very end.

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