The truth about you

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Skyler's POV

I gasp for air instantly as I grab my neck out of instinct

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I gasp for air instantly as I grab my neck out of instinct. I pant heavily as I turn around in shock to face Silas who was sitting besides me. My mind flickers to all the memories I have of the devil. I remember every single moment, from having the devil evolve in me on the island and collapsing in Elijah's arms. I remember blacking out when thinking about revenge. I remember fighting with the devil and stopping the devil from killing Elijah with the white oak stake. I remember the pain that was caused all over my body, the fight between the devil and I. I remember every vivid detail.

"Where is everyone?" I ask in concern as I look around the cave.

"I told them to leave, I wanted to talk to you alone." Silas speaks calmly as I nod along to his words.

Silas fiddles around with a book in his hand, it was bright red and torn in many places. I frown at his actions as I tilt my head to the book.

"What's in the book?" I ask curiously.

"It was your fathers. It's the diary he kept when he two was learning how to control the devil. I found it in hell one day and I kept it just in case I ever needed it. I kept it for my own selfish reasons. Just in case I would ever run into him, I would be able to use his own tricks against him but I did have another purpose. I wondered if I would ever meet the devil's daughter. There's a legend about you, Skyler. How you would be your fathers undoing, it's all in the prophecy. Now, what I never told you was that it is known that whoever kills the devil would become the devil." He unloads all this information upon me as my eyes widen in shock.

"W-why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask as my eyes run around his features for an explanation.

"I was hoping I would never have to tell you. I was hoping that you would never become the devil. You see, you were pregnant so the devil couldn't physically control you or get inside you. After you gave birth, you were over the moon, beyond happy. That's why the devil never came near you, it knew that it wouldn't have stood a chance against your happiness. However, when you landed on Dahlia's island, the devil took advantage of your vulnerability and got inside you whilst you were circling around in the void. It's been inside you ever since. Have you ever felt like it was inside you? Has there been any strange moments when you were on Dahlia's island?"

"Yes.. there were times where I've lost my train of thought because I was thinking about revenge and I even collapsed once." I admit as I chew my bottom lip.

"There you have it. You were upset that your kids and Klaus were back in the real world and you felt anger towards Dahlia. The devil could finally get inside of you because you had let your guard down. You were so worried about your kids that you didn't realise that someone was controlling you." Silas responds as I shake my head in realisation.

"Are you saying that everything I did was controlled by the devil? That can't be because I felt things on that island. Elijah made me laugh and we had good times there." I argue along.

"You felt only what the devil allowed you to feel. The devil couldn't control you fully because there was still a strong part of you that was willing to fight. And, not to mention that there was no way you could seek revenge on a deserted island. The devil had to wait until you were back in the real world before it could fight you. Now, when you came back, my daughter dropped a bombshell on you but only because she loves you. You found out that Klaus had cheated on you eleven times, that's why you didn't sound like yourself. That's why you said all those hurtful things towards Klaus. You would never say those things intentionally, it was the devil inside you." Silas explains thoroughly as I absorb all of this new information. My breath hitches unevenly as I listen to his storytelling.

"Oh my god.. Klaus.. I said the most hurtful things! What am I going to do? I never meant to hurt him, I never meant to insult him the way I did. I mean yes, I am mad at him and what he did was unforgivable but still-" I announce as I quickly stand up but I feel lightheaded. Silas jerks up immediately as he sees my discoordinated state. He grabs onto me, balancing me on my two feet.

"Easy, easy. You've been through a lot. You need to rest and allow me to finish." Silas declares as he places me on a chair carefully.

"If we had let you kill Klaus out of vengeance, the devil would have won, you would have been drawn back to hell and the devil would take full control of your body. You would be lost forever. I know this because I have read it all in Arcadius' diary." Silas holds up the diary in the air as he hands it over to me.

"This diary will tell you how to control the devil. However, you are different, you are part vampire. So the only way for the devil to truly take over your body is if.."

"Is if I turn off my humanity." I finished Silas' sentence. He nods knowingly at my response.

"You are bright Skyler, I've got to hand you that. If you turn your humanity off, you won't stand a chance against the devil. You can never turn it off. I believe in you kiddo, I know you won't. Oh and one last thing, I can't get rid of the devil completely, some part of it still lives in hell but the other part is inside you because it gives you a connection to hell. That way, you can stay on Earth and still control whatever goes down in hell. It's your own realm sweetie, use it wisely." Silas declares before he resumes once again.

"I'm glad you're back, kiddo. You've always been like a daughter to me." He squeezes my arm reassuringly with a warm smile.

"You're the only father figure I've come to know. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, thank you." I smile up at him before he bends down to embrace me into a tight hug.

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