Your Turn

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"Can you say...trufflula tree?" I could hear Bad's voice peaking around the corner of the wall. I rubbed my eyes lazily and made my way towards the sound.

"Tru-truf-trufflalala." A smaller voice attempted to repeat after him.

"Yes! Trufflalala." Bad repeated softly with a giggle. I rounded the corner and yawned loudly, signaling my entrance to the room. After another quick rub to my eyes, I could pick apart the scene in front of me.

Bad was sitting on the couch with our son on top of him. Bad's bandana was crooked around his eyes, and he was nibbling at the bottom. Bad looked like he had been awake for a while, Sapnap looked like he was ready to run a marathon. I let a small smile slip onto my lips. Bad noticed me and reciprocated it.

"Skep! Gepp Geppy!" Sapnap yelled excitedly, launching himself from Bad's lap at me. His little legs were taking him as fast as he could go. The bandana that was loosely tied to his head flew off, letting his raven black hair stick out in all directions. I bent down and opened my arms, awaiting the toddler to run into me. Sapnap smashed into my upper body and I flopped backwards, trapping him in my arms.

"I've got you! You're never getting away!" I spoke playfully, attempting to rid the tired gruffness of my voice. Sapnap squealed and kicked his legs every which way. I kept my grip on him tight, but not enough to hurt him.

"Ah!" He yelled, giggling. After a few seconds of struggling, he was starting to get tired. I took advantage and snuck my fingers to his armpits, tickling lightly. Sapnap roared with laughter. His chest was heaving from laughing and moving so much. I enjoyed having fun with him, but I felt something unbearably hot wave onto my chest.

"Skeppy careful!" I heard Bad's warning too late, Sapnap had let his fire element sneak out from his palms to push me away. As quickly as I could I grabbed Sapnap and laid him next to me. The flames that were sneaking out of his palms retreated towards the fingertips. Sapnap looked just as horrified as Bad did.

The demon rushed over to both of us and grabbed my hand lightly. His other hand ran through Sapnap's hair who was now crying and apologizing profusely to me.

"Hey, hey it's okay little gem!" I sat up and reached for his face. He flinched slightly but after a second, he let me rub away the tears running down. "I'm not hurt bud!" Sapnap glared at me, even though his tears were flowing faster than before, and pointed to my sweatshirt. Through two tiny handprints, you could see my diamond patches protecting my skin from the previous scolding heat.

"I fired the shirt!" He wailed even louder after the sentence. Bad and I shared a glance before both tending to his side.

"He has plenty of other shirts Sappy. You did fine hun. I'm so proud of you for being able to control it back into your hands!"

"Yeah, last time you almost burnt the house down." I chuckled and hit his arm. Sapnap smiled and sniffled quietly, wiping at his nose with his shirt.

"Gepp okay? Geppy?" Sapnap looked at me with concern. I leaned in and gave him a hug. Bad moved forward and wrapped himself around the two of us.

"I'm fine little man. You can't break me so easily." Sapnap's face was dried by Bad's shirt and it was like all previous sadness had been forgotten. I moved and lifted Sapnap onto my shoulders with ease. He wheezed and giggled, grabbing onto me like it was the end of the world. Bad rolled his eyes as he watched us fool around.

"Hey Skeppy." Bad said after a few seconds. He bent down to pick up his bandana and tied it around his neck.

"Hey Bad." I replied in a content tone. Sapnap yanked on a piece of my hair.

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