🌷Chapter 1- Get in the back

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It's the middle of the night and you stood cold and alone in the dark outside under a streetlight, half dressed, shivering in your nightie.

You had no where to go.

The friends you have live too far away, and you were just kicked out of your apartment.

You were balling your eyes out as you talked to one of your friends over the phone-

"Sa- Samantha, f-fck, who's coming if it isn't you?... oh? *sniff* i dont know who they are- are you sure-? -



-*sniffle* So they'll pick me up and me bring me to your house... Ok.. I got it"

Your friend told you stop being a whiny bitch and wait for a car to come pick you up in fifteen minutes, and it'll bring you to her house.
Feeling too sad and scared you agreed, and anxiously waited on the sidewalk after she hung up the phone.

You don't have the luxury of caring wether or not you trust the guy she'll send over, you have to get away from here.
And fast.
You bite your nails harder knowing you don't have much time left to leave the place for good.

The occasional vehicle came and went on the street, each one made you tense up in hope until they drove right past.

How did this all happen? Why me? Why, why, why, why.. - you mutter to yourself, remembering the cruel events of this evening.

You were still high on adrenaline when a dark black range rover with glaring head lights stopped next to where you were standing on the sidewalk.

An unfamiliar face peered at you into the dark as you watched the windows roll down. He looked a little old, and scruffy.. -

- "Hey you. OI! You who's dressed like a hooker, 'you (y/n) for fucks sake?!"

You think the guy looks sketch.

Still, you begrudgingly walked towards the angry stranger's car and just wiped your eyes with your hands.

Maybe now you'll be taken to safety.

"Get in-"

You shut the door behind you once you fell into the back seat.

Immediately a man grabbed your body and held you down roughly like you weigh nothing at all, making sure you're rendered unable to move, pressing your face into the seat, you cry out in pain and terror feeling the strong hands grip your arms tightly behind your back and twist them into metal handcuffs.

And the car sped off on the road.

You tremble in horror too frightened shout while your body stayed contorted in place in the back of the car by a stranger who was breathing down your neck, then you felt a piece of cloth pull into your mouth and tie around your head.

Clearly they don't want you screaming.

This wasn't supposed to happen, I don't know who these people are-

Just something in your gut was telling you you made a deeply terrible decision, but its not like you could do anything now, could you? Isn't this your only option anyways-?

Then you were suddenly pulled up to sit, still held tightly beside the stranger.

Eyeing the door you knew you wanted to get out.

You breifly glanced out of the window, out of the back, and realised you had absolutely no idea what road the car was driving on.

The streetlights flashed in the window as the car picked up its speed, you held your breath and felt the wheels turn and turn on the empty road, and the man beside lessened his grip while you stayed unmoving.

Then you spotted the driver looking at you in the front mirror smirking at you.

"Huh? What's the matter? Don't be scared back there, I'm not going to stop driving, sugar." He laughed, and the other man beside you laughed in your face.

But you stayed really, really quiet.

The memories of what happened, everything, everything you saw and heard in the apartment was still racing in your head while you sat still in the stranger's car, remembering it all.

Remembering that its either this, or back there.

What a lose-lose situation.

The windows in the car rolled down again and the man holding you outstretched his hand. In the darkness of the car you saw the glinting of a gun in his hand infront of your face aiming outside.

He fired two deafening shots into the air.

".. little girl don't pull any jokes.. Don't try to get away.. Do as I say and you'll keep your life for now. " Then the gun was pressed into your head.

You should have never gotten in that car.
It doesnt matter now.
You're tied up with your life on the line.

It's the middle of the night, you can't run or scream, its your fault you trusted your friend, its your fault tonight even happened. You think- you're just as good as dead.

Suddenly the car screeched to a halt, making you jump.
The driver half yelled out the window visibly mad-

" Well there!-!"

The car door opened and another fairly tall male entered the vehicle silently and sat in the passengers seat.
Now there's three men in the car, and one small prey. You.

You hopelessly looked back towards your captors.

"Keep an eye on the girl in the back, boss."


You glanced towards the tall man the driver called "boss" who just entered, you couldn't see his face, he wore a dark blue top- and he was turned in your direction, looking at you with a stony expression under his black hood.

Your blood runs cold as soon as you recognized Peter.


Peter didn't say a word to the men or you, he nodded to the driver and the car started again. He looked calm, unlike you. Maybe even a little annoyed?

His back was turned to you now, so you carefully eyed him lean against the window.

He lit up a cigarette after fumpling twice with the lighter and sighed out a plume of smoke in the vehicle. Acting like you weren't even there.

What do they want from me?

Did they plan this from the start- is this the guy Samantha called over-?

She set me up??

Or did the kidnappers just seize their chances to kill me and hurt me but for what, peter-?

Why you..

Then you saw Peter's eyes watching you closely the front mirror, unblinking.

You watched him mouth to you- "..don't worry"

;>> endofchapter 1

( whoever is reporting the comments on my story had better stop immediately. I support all my vulgar pals expressing freedom of speech )

IMPORTANT: I found a way to escape the cruel, disgusting, despicable, ridiculous and utterly immoral advertisements that wattpad likes to play --> Simply turn off your wifi once you open up the book, and continue reading ad free.

If this works on MY phone it will work on yours. Do it. If it doesn't work then I guess that sucks man 😕. How does it feel to be a statistical infrequency?

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