🌷 Chapter 6- the break

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"Darling, stay with me forever, stay with me forever, stay with me forever

You were crying from pain as he dragged your body across the floor.

Stay with me forever stay with me forever stay with me forever Stay with me forever
Stay with me forever,
Stay with me forever..

Stay with me, please.."

His voice trembled madly as he dragged you down, the damp smell of the basement hit your senses and overwhelmed your mind, paralyzing your arms, falling limp under his grasp like a doll as he hauled you down onto the floor against the wall.

Except for vague, shadowy figures around the walls you couldn't see him at all in the dark. You can't see anything at all even as you squint.

He didn't need the lights on.

He knows where the restraints are and how to lock them around your body.

His ragged, deep breaths echoed in the silence.

His shaking hands try to take yours to chain them. You can feel them.

He suddenly froze.

Although you couldn't see in the dark, you could tell, he was looking at you unblinking wide eyed and torn apart.




Instantly as he shouted, he grabbed your hands in his and tried to calm you down, rubbing his thumbs into your palms and quickly whispering apologies.

The air smelled of blood, the metallic pang of the stench drifted around your head, as your eyes adjusted to the dark you saw the silhouette of two dismembered men on the floor beside you and Peter.

Their lifeless eyes glazed over and hollow.


"Peter..what did you do... what did you do to those cops?"

He squeezed you gently, shakily.

"You know what I am darling.

It's what I am

Don't love me less for it.. please."



His cold hand cupped your cheek, you didn't resist. He pressed his thumb against your face, and rubbed in circles. Trying to be calming.

"Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me."

You say nothing.

"Y/n please, answer me!"

You still stay quiet.

"Y/n do you remember when you met me at that park, remember when we had that date together, those moments we shared.

My life truly, only begun when I met you at that park. You gave me life y/n"

He meant it. But you don't understand..

Of course you remember that day he came to you at the park. This gangly man with pale skin and sharp blue eyes sat next to you and that's how you came to know this flawed and infatuated person infront of you.

As you look into peters face now you feel that pang of... something, that you felt back then.

Your bones bruised on the stone floor. Around your body the cold air which filled the whole room nipped away at your skin and bare arms.

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