🌷 chapter 0- 001011

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Usually Don would be awake at this hour because he's a known workaholic who likes to stay up way past his bed-time for paper work.

It's the type of person who gives off major-manager vibes.

One time you saw him in the window staring out into the void and most likely thinking about his son.

Don is.. a divorced landlord.

To say the least he's incredibly intimidating. Also very attractive
Lucy agrees she likes him due to that.

"Even though he always talks like he has a stick up his a$$" she'd say.

But tonight it's not about getting under his skin, its not about imagining what his hairy chest would feel like rubbing against your stomach, it's not about fantasizing that you can melt this man's heart, no you need to do something about Lucy.

You take in a *deep* breath. Gotta be brave here.. it's only your landlord..

Lucy's shenanigans are becoming infuriating. This is why you're coming to Don.. not any other reason.

God no you can't lie to yourself. Why are you going to Don really? Well I need to see him about my issue.

But I also just..

By now, you're already out of the door.

Still in your Pajamas, but they look acceptable. The black pj pants and spaghetti strap top is fine.

You know where to find him.

But then hesitate-

As your mind blocks out any doubt you hastily step outside the apartment, lock it, and walk down the stairs. Florescent white lights blind your eyes as you build up confidence.

Don would often threaten to evict Lucy during the times she didn't pay her part of the rent. But he never said much to you for the past 5 years you knew him.

You remember a time you both had a coffee together, then you got to know him.

He told you about his ex wife and how he auctioned off the wedding ring.

Ever since then his masculine exterior softened whenever he was around you, or maybe you just didn't find as him as frightening.

Sighing, you descend down, holding onto the banister drowsily as you try not to think about those memories.

Maybe he just reminds you of your own dad, you haven't seen him in so long.. maybe that's where you get your fondness for Don.

With that in mind you kept walking. You checked the phone from your pocket for any texts, Peter's number was there.. what does he want?

You pause a bit and blink at the screen, it's the guy you met some days back at the park. It's not important then.

Atleast not now.

You drop your hand by your side and as you come further down the air has a strange smell to it, of dampness and crusted paint. And of the cold breeze seeping through the cracks from outside. That's not unusual.

Not that.. something else.

Continuing to walk down but slower.

The air smells of.. cologne..

To your surprise, there he was.

At the bottom floor. Bent over on his knees, managing his briefcase.

Your eyes softened.


He doesn't reply. Thats when you notice him holding up a phone to his ear. Muttering something..

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