🌷🌷🌷chapter 3- Making his morning*⚠smut*

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I can't unlock my bedroom door...

.... I'm so stuck, ugh. I keep pushing this damn door and it just won't budge.

.. "You can't open this door, y/n"

I can actually, you should shut up while I'm trying to concentrate.

Ack, to hell with it! I can't open this damn door! It's too black and heavy my hands just slide off of it.

I'll just.. go to my computer I guess. Mom can break her back planting that cactus herself. Wait no, thats so mean of me.. I shouldn't say that..

Oh I'm in luck! I can just about fit in there, into my computer! I'm getting in! I'm nearly all the way in I just need to get my butt through the screen!

hngggggggg...hngggggg! Ugg..

I cant be stuck now, can I. Im not stuck. Crap, wait, im def stuck. Should i just maybe, umm- Oh no! I can't see anything! It's too dark in here!-

"Y/n, I got you"

Who said that? Huh-woahh! Who's pulling me in? Their hands are grasping mine, someone's pulling me in! Wait, no, I'm scared now, I want to get out, I need to get out of this computer! No no no! Stop! I SAID STOP! ----


.. AHH!!

At once you wake up with a large gasp for air. Once your eyes fly open- you breathe slowly, realising you just had a weird dream.

A warm, black jacket was draped over your laying body, a little stained with blood.

You try to rub your head only stopping to realise there's blood on your fingers and cheek. Strange? Umm why so much blood?- you ask yourself.

So with a large groan of exhaustion you slowly sit up feeling tense in your back, your neck, your shoulders, everywhere.

And crap, you still have those fucking handcuffs on behind you. Great.

Taking a quick look out the window you see the tall shape of Peter casually having a smoke outside. He looked menacing with that grumpy frown, and his shoulders were hunched over, seeming just as tense as you are. And he was absolutely covered in dry blood.

It dawned on you what happened last night. You groaned again feeling a sudden headache creep up.

Then the car door clicked open by Peter upon hearing you wake up, his hard and lean arms wrapped around you again pulling you into a hug and he breathed in deeply with relief.

Watching you stir from a deep sleep after his restless night, the mere sight of you unravelling to life made him bubble up in warmth.

"*chuckles* Y/n! my angel, I'm so glad you're okay.."

You weren't as pleased.

"Get off of me," you snapped.

He raises an eyebrow and released you. A little insulted.

"I saved your life and I dont even get a thank you?"

Peter shook his head and stepped out of the car, dropped the cigarette and motioned with his hand for you to also get out, looking at you very serious.

"-I've been waiting all morning for you to wake up, you know? I really need your help," he said sternly.

You stay still.

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