Let's Not be us Today (DeanxReader)

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Thinking is the worst thing for a hunter. The monsters they face everyday are nothing compared to the darkness that is within us. Thoughts can kill and they have. Today was one of those days. You had done what no hunter should do. You sat in darkness thinking. You and the boys had just come back from a hunt. What was going to be a simple vampire nest turned out to be much more. There
should have only been one nest with only 9 vampires. It turned out to be 5 different nests that had joined forces and with all of them combined it turned out to be much worse. You guys barely survived. Finally you guys came home to the bunker, and at the moment you wanted nothing more than a warm bath and then sleep. But sleep would not come. The thoughts of all the people you had failed to save came rushing back. Faint screams of people begging you to help. For every person that you had failed to save came 6 different solutions that you would have never thought of. All you could think of was "I could saved them all. " You could feel tears trickling down your cheeks. You knew you couldn't stay in bed with these thought. You got out of bed and went to Deans room. Just as you hoped dean was awake watching his favourite tv shows, Dr.sexy. As soon as he saw your tear stained eyes he turned off the tv and motioned you to come to the bed. He then proceeded to embrace you into his arms. "What's wrong?" He asked as he soothing rubbed your back. You let it all out and cried into his shoulder. "I'm tired of this life. I hate it and I don't want to do this anymore." You hiccuped. "Okay. Let's not be us." He said as he picked you up. He put on a jacket and a pair of shoes. While grabbing your jacket and shoes as well. He took you to the car and placed you into the passenger seat. "Where are we going?" You asked. "Somewhere we don't need to be hunters." After that you drove in comfortable silence. You came into the parking lot of a dinner. "Put on your shoes and jacket." You did as he told you to. You both waked into the dinner and sat at a table for two. The waitress (who was the actual definition of hot.) came with the menu, handing one to you and one to Dean. Her eyes set on Dean for a moment longer than needed. "Call me when your ready?" She said with a wink obviously intended for Dean. You rolled your eyes and looked down at your menu. Dean barely noticed. "What will it be beautiful?" He asked you. Dean always flirted with you so you just brushed it off. "I'll have whatever your having handsome." You replied with just as much flirtation. "I'll have you." He said with a winked. "Well if you really want the chocolate fudge Sunday you should just asked Dean." Dean gave you a full hearted chuckle and called the waitress. "We'll have a Chocolate fudge Sunday." He said with his signature smile. She looked at Dean with a smile and said "Are you sure that's all for tonight?" And once more winked. He looked at you and replied "I'm sure." he replied without noticing what she was implying. Annoyed at Deans obliviousness, the waitress took down your order and left. "What a whore." You mumble under your breath. Dean just chuckled which just ticked you off more. "Are you jealous?" He asked with his shit eating grin. "I'm not. She's a whore. I would never want to be like her." "Good, because I like you for who you are." You blushed at his response, which only made Dean grin like crazy. Your ice cream came and you guys enjoyed it over laughter. The waitress came over a couple more times to try and get Dean to notice her but nether of you paid any attention to her. You two left the dinner and drove to a quite area. You sat on top of the car looking at the stars. "Y/N, I love you." Dean said out of no where. You didn't say anything. You didn't know how to. "I know you don't share my feelings...." But he was cut off by another pair of lips meeting his. "I love you too you idiot."
Sorry about how crappy this is. It's 2 am here and this is the best I could do. This was a request but I'm not sure about how to tag people (if you can even do that) but you know who you are.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2015 ⏰

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