Cas number 1 and Cas number 2

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You sat on your couch watching T.V to pass the time. Boredom had a thight grip on you and you couldn't find anything to do. As if your prayer was heard your door bell rang. you hopped of your couch more than happy to welcome a gest as long as they would keep you entertanied. As you opened the door you saw your 2 brothers at the door Sam and Dean with a stranger close behind. He had the bluest eyes in the world, bluer than the ocean it self. His hair was ruffles as though he has just woken up. He was warring the cutest treanch coat that seemed to work just right for him. He had a little stubble on his face and his tie was all crooked and messed up in the most adorable way.After shaking yourself out of this trance you let your brothers in. "So waht has given me the pleasure of your company today?" you asked your brothers as they walked in. "Really cas? can't you talk like a normal person." Dean complained like the annoying little squirrel he is. "But I have not said anything Dean." The stranger said while turning his head ever so slightly, it was beyond adorable. "Not you Cas. Her." The Sqirrel said with a hint of annoyance while pointing to you. Seeing the opportunity you stck out your hand and said "My name is Y/N but everyone calles me Cas." Cas ignored your hand and said "I am Castail, angel of the lord but as you see Dean had started to call cas and for some reasson Sam has started to do the same." Dean and Sam
face palmed them selves. Cas countinued "but i still don't see what she said wrong, it sounded normal to me." You smiled and said. "Finally, someone who speekes English".

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