Chapter 2 ~ One Of Them?

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Springtrap p.o.v

"She'll be one of us... Stay with me... And love me...'

Your p.o.v

I woke up, my head hurt like hell.. I saw a mirror on the wall in the far corner and went to it. I looked at my reflection and gasped. I how had light blue bunny ears in my hair, silver eyes and razor sharp teeth (or you can make up how you look) Black tears ran down your face. You heard the door open and turned. Spring trap came over to me "You're awake..." He said slowly. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me to him so our noses were touching (He's in his human form) "What are you doing?" I growled trying to get away "Oh my dear y/n.. You will learn to love your killer~" he purred and nuzzled his face in my neck. I pushed him off "I will NEVER love you" I hissed. (Yup you will cuz that's how the story goes, deal with it. Y/n: -.-)

I ran out and saw a boarded up room. I slipper through a hole in the boards and sat behind them. I put my head in my hands... What had he done...

I sighed and thought about my abusive father who gave me this job to scare me... "well. At least I wont be around---" I froze and my vision went red when the clock struck 12. I knew where I needed to go... And what I needed to do... I grabbed a knife and slipped it ij my bag and walked out "Where are you going...?" Purred spring trap "To kill someone I hate.." I hissed "Will you be back~" he asked, stupid question "Yep." I replied and ran off down the street. I came to my road and ny house. I let myself in quietly and heard the television on. There was a report about me being missing. For 12 days?! I was unconscious that long?" I sighed quietly and my vision went red again, I saw my eyes were black with white pupils and black stuff dripped from them. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see springtrap. "Hey..." He smiled "Hi.." I replied slowly and peeked round the door. My dad stood up and looked at the screen, his back to me.. "Hello 'dad'..." I spat. He turned and gasped at my appearance, springtrap came in and stood behind me. "Really shouldn't have abused ne should you...." I grinned and ran at him. I tackled him and punched him in the face over and over. I was stronger but not physically. I raised the knife to stab him but he grabbed my writst and pulled the knife from my hands.

"Oh crap..." I muttered and he drove the knife into my stomach. My mom came in and saw this. "That's it!!" I stamped on his head, crushing his skull in one swift movement. I collapsed from my stab wound and the last thing I saw was springtrap running over to me then I passed out.

A few hours later

I woke up next to springtrap and saw my wounds were bandaged. Springtrap was asleep. Had he saved my life? I felt weak but there was no pain... Springtrap opened his eyes and looked at me. He hugged me gently, so he didn't hurt me. I hugged back, did I like him. I was dalling for him....

(muhaha I told you y/n >:D)

"Springtrap?" I said "Yeah?" He asked "can I do something?" I asked slowly "Ofcourse.." He smiled, I smiled back and pressed my lips to his. It was meant to just be brier but he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. My fingers entangled in his hair. We eventually broke apart for air. "I.. Love you springtrap..." I whispered. He smiled "I love you too, y/n"

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