Chapter 21 ~ Violet Hates Me

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Violet p.o.v

i leant idly against the table, twirling my bloodstained knife in my hands. i loved that knife, i had used it to kill my own parents. ya, i know thats messed up and i should be feeling all guilty and sorry for myself, but no. im actually happy they're dead. they cant get in the way or judge me ever again. and no, my parents weren't purple... i was purple in some lab experiment gone terribly wrong. thats how i met vincent, he had the same done to him and it's permanent...


My vision slowly came back as i regained conciousness, i heard vague voices but they were very faint and i didnt recognise them, i heard "Doctor, the patient is responding" it sounded like a woman's voice. i felt bandages covering my entire body, even my face.

i saw small dots of light from holes in the bandages but they were tiny. i sighed quietly and heard another voice speak "remove the bandages from both patients." both? so there were two of us? i hated the fact that my parents made me go to a lab to test skin and blood treatments... that were permanent.

i felt the bandages being gently pulled off me and i looked around the room. i saw the people gasp as they looked at me "nurse, write that down.." the doctor said hurriedly. i looked down but a nurse put a hand on my chin, forcing me to look up. another nurse came in and gasped.

i slapped the nurse's hand away and looked down at myself, my skin was no longer tan, but LILAC! i screamed "calm down" a male voice said behind me. i turned to see another mad doctor, there was a boy on a bes next to mine, he was also purple. "CALM DOWN?! IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED MY SKIN IS PURPLE!" the purple boy stared at me in awe.

the doctor flinched away, i felt like i was no longer in control of my actions and tackled him, pinning him to the floor with my hands tightly gripping his neck, crushing his windpipe. he couldnt breathe and tried to pry me off but it was no use. his face started to go red then blue with the loss of air and his eyes rolled into his head and he went limp. his struggles ceased and i let go, allowing his dead body to fall.

i turned to see all the other doctors and nurses dead, their bodies either disembowelled or stabbed in the heart. i turned and saw the purple boy was stood with a knife, smiling. "lets get out of here, Violet" he held out his hand. i didnt know how he knew my name but i didnt object and took his hand, he ran out with me.

~end of flashback~

your p.o.v

violet seemed to be deep in thought as she sat on the table. i sat beside her and she looked at me. she didnt like me much, i could see it in the cold hostility in her eyes. "what do you want?" she spat "um... hi?" i said, not knowing what to say. she huffed "hi." she fake smiled. "I'm y/n" i introduced myself "i know." okay, didnt expect that "i'm violet" i tried to play the cool, laid back card "i know who you are...obviously." i rolled my eyes slightly and she shook her head.

"there's no hope of me liking you..." she got up and walked out "ouch.." i muttered to myself and walked across the room. i sat in the corner wondering how someone's skin could be naturally purple, it didnt seem possible...

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