Chapter 1

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I sit quietly at the doctor's. "Hi Rachel, it's nice to meet you." I give a small smile, not ready to talk. "You've lost a decently large amount of weight since you last saw a doctor. Was it spread out over the time or recent?" I shrug.

"How much?" "30 pounds." I calculate in my head. "Spread out." I'm not going to say that it was 30 in a little more than a month, that would just end badly for me. She looks unsure but nods.

"Does there need to be a specific note in my files that makes it and so my parents can't see?" She nods. "Can you please add it?" She nods again. "Since you are 16, you could fully consent for your own medical treatment. That being said, I would like to do a blood test and you are due for your final booster of the meningococcal vaccine."

She hands me the papers and I briefly scan through them. "Okay." She nods. "Go ahead and sit on the bed." I do so. She checks my heart beat and breathing.

"Okay, I'm going to check over your arms and upper body now. Could you please take off your shirt?" I do so. I watch her eyes immediately connect with cuts on my shoulder. She looks at the fresh ones especially.

"Some of these are deep enough to need stitches." I nod. "Okay, go ahead." She leaves and returns a few moments later. "Go ahead and lay down." I do as she says, trying to stay calm.

She places a blue sheet over my top half. I feel her clean the area and I wince a little. "Okay, I'm giving the local anesthetic now. It's going to sting." "Okay." I feel the sting I associate with Lidocaine.

I lay there quietly for a while, feeling the light tugging of my skin. "Okay, that is done. Do you have anymore before I put that away?" "No." I lay there as she leaves and I hear her come back in.

"Are you okay?" "Yeah." She nods. "Go ahead and stand up. Touch your toes or reach towards them if you can't fully touch them." I do as she says. "Why are you keeping your legs so close to each other?"

I feel the gentle touch on my back. "Because I feel like my left knee is going to give out if I don't." She looks curious and nods. "Go ahead and put your shirt back on and then you could lie down." I do as she says. She continues the normal tests and then does some extra ones with my left knee.

I lay there quietly. "Okay, I have one more thing I would like to do today before some follow up testing but it's up to you and it would probably be rather uncomfortable for you. I could perform a pap smear in addition to a breast exam."

I bite my lip and consider. "Okay." It's quiet, but she hears it and nods. "I'm going to have you put on this gown, without undergarments." I nod. She leaves the room and I do as she says.

When she comes back in, I watch as she does a breast exam. "Okay, go ahead and lay on the bed, I'll place a sheet over your pelvis and thighs. Bend your knees and spread them apart." I do as she says.

I'm uncomfortable, but I knew I would be. "Okay, I'm going to gently place your feet where I need them." I give another small nod. "Okay, this'll be the most uncomfortable part, the actual pap smear. I'm going to put one hand on your belly and then two fingers inside your vagina. I'll feel around some and then after that I'll use a device to open the vaginal walls so I could do the screening tests. You'll likely feel some discomfort, but it shouldn't be painful. Just try to take some deep breaths and relax."

I give another nod. I try to relax some. She does it. Eventually, it is over. "Go ahead and put back on your underwear if it makes you more comfortable." I nod. "I want to take you back for a MRI on your knee and then the shots. I want to add a tetanus shot because of the cuts." I nod.

"Is there anything else you want to discuss?" "Um, is it possible for me to get allergy testing?" "Yeah, of course. I'll do that first. Go ahead and lie on your stomach." I do as she says and I hear her leave.

She returns. "Okay, are you taking any meds?" I shake my head. "I'm going to do 5 panels of 10. There will also be a positive and a negative. I'm going to clean your back and then I need you to lie still at the very least until I can use paper towels to get the spare liquid off." I nod. I feel her clean off my lower back.

"Normally we do it higher up, but you have so much acne that they would mess with me being able to get an accurate result." I nod. "If you want I could deal with some of your acne while we're waiting for the 20 minutes for your allergy testing?" "Okay."

I feel her clean my back and then the small pricks. I lay there quietly until the 15 minutes are up. My back is itchy. "It looks like you reacted to yellow jackets, dogs, cats, and cow's milk." I nod. "The yellow jacket is the only one that is currently appearing severe, but that could change so be cautious." I nod.

"I'm going to apply some antihistamine cream, it'll help with the itchiness and swelling." She takes the MRI and gives me the shots as well as the blood draw. "Okay, I want to put you on antidepressants, ADHD meds, and anxiety meds. I also want to prescribe you an EpiPen. Are you okay with all of that?"

She hands me the papers and I briefly look over them. "Yes." She nods and I watch her put it in. "Okay, now look at your MRI, you have a torn MPFL, ACL, PCL, and MCL. You definitely need surgery for it." I look at my knee and nod. "How soon?" "Tomorrow if possible." "Okay."

"Does that work?" I nod. "Um, what happens for me with work?" "What do you do for work?" "I work at Dairy Queen." "You'll have to take at least 6 weeks off. Your manager will be required to give it to you. I'll give you a doctor's note." I nod.

She writes down things and hands a paper to me. I watch as she puts a brace on my leg and then gives me crutches.

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